Reproequi - Innovation project to improve the reproduction system of equine livestock for meat production in Asturias
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2019
- Assigned Budget 0,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Asturias, Principado de
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
The Innovation Project will allow the development of innovation in the field of the equine meat livestock subsector, and includes the combination and configuration of scientific and technological animal reproduction knowledge and techniques with the aim of making available to farm owners a new reproduction service based on artificial insemination (AI) with selected stallions, in a representative environment, where 90 mares will be inseminated and evaluated with seminal doses from the aforementioned stallions.
The aim of the project is therefore to provide technical improvements in animal reproduction through a new artificial insemination service for meat horses, which is not substantially established, as is the case with the reproduction service of the Military Parade (Horse Breeding Service of the Ministry of Defence), which is only used by 26% of ACGEMA members (according to a survey conducted in 2015).