Technological assessment for efficient and sustainable wastewater treatment in the anchovy sector
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2016
- Assigned Budget 19.950,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Cataluña
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
The high conductivity associated with the presence of salts in wastewater generated in food industries is a challenge that makes the treatment process difficult and can have a major impact on the environment.
For this reason, an Operational Group has been created that has carried out a technological assessment for the treatment of waste water in the anchovy sector and has proposed an innovative pilot project whose main objective is the implementation of innovative strategies and solutions linked to the integral management of the water cycle in the canning industry, from the perspective of quality, efficiency and cost parameters, in order to optimize the production process and obtain more sustainable water management, reducing the impact on the environment of the production process in the anchovy sector and other sectors identified with the same problem of brine generation.
The implementation of innovative strategies and solutions related to the comprehensive management of the water cycle in the canning industry, from the perspective of quality, efficiency and cost parameters, in order to optimize the production process and obtain more sustainable water management, reducing the impact on the environment of the production process in the anchovy sector and other sectors identified with the same problem of brine generation.