Networks and platforms
TPORGANICS. European Technology Platform for Agriculture and Organic Food
Organic technology platform in Europe
Technology network for agriculture
Association for the Progress of Rural Development (MENDINET)
It offers information about its activities, news and resources related to sustainable rural development in the Basque Country.
PTECO2. Spanish CO2 Technology Platform
The Association of the Spanish CO2 Technology Platform (PTECO2) is an initiative promoted by the private sector, research centers and Spanish universities.
Association of Rural Initiatives of Catalonia (ARCA)
Platform for dissemination of current affairs and challenges of the sector in Catalonia, connection between entities, promotion of projects
Technological platform for food quality and safety.
SEEA. Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture/Agroecology
Non-profit association that promotes organic farming and agroecology in Spain
Platform for disseminating innovation in research, experiences in different productions and updating regulations
MANU-KET. Spanish Technological Platform for Advanced Manufacturing
Platform for dissemination of work areas, projects, events and services provided
Food from Spain
Ministerial outreach platform
PACKNET. Spanish Technological Platform for Containers and Packaging
Platform that functions as a network of scientific and technological cooperation between agents in the evanse and packaging chain
Plants For The Future
Platform for dissemination of projects, research, activities, collaborators and work groups of the group
PTEA. Spanish Technological Platform for Water and Irrigation
Platform focused on offering information and resources related to research, development and innovation in the field of water in Spain.
Agro-food cooperatives Valencian community
Platform for institutional representation, cooperative promotion, training, communication and business representation
CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Platform that integrates other Circular Economy platforms
Dynamize lines and action, define the contribution of Spanish technological and innovation platforms in the transition towards a circular economy, tools to promote cooperation in R&D&I
HUB platform that promotes innovation, education, entrepreneurship and public participation
Platform for disseminating research, events and regulations in the Basque Country regarding food safety, healthy eating, sustainable eating, agriculture, livestock, fishing, animal nutrition and the food industry.
Food For Life
Promotion of the transmission of research, scientific and technological advances through public-private collaboration of the main agri-food sector agents in relation to R&D&i and the detection of new demands in the field of Society Challenges , ensuring the competitiveness and growth of the Spanish agri-food sector.
Interfood Forum
Informative platform for the activities, projects, networks, value proposition and innovation of the agri-food chain
Food GIS
Dissemination platform of the activities, projects, networks, regulations and value and innovation proposal of the agri-food sector