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Training courses


course poster
Consejo de Colegios de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas
Free training in digital skills related to Agricultural Engineering
With a pre-registration period ending on February 7, the Council of Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers has launched a comprehensive training program in digital skills aimed at registered
AI illustration with food
Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector
Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture
Key reasons to attend this course Gain knowledge about various types of pests, including phytophagous insects, plant pathogens, weeds and their impact on agriculture and forestry. Learn about modern
Do you want to know the shelf life of food?
Virtual course, includes individual tasting (pending information)
course poster
Asociación Española de Técnicos Cerealistas (AETC)

“Amylograph, Viscograph and Viscoquick: uses and applications”. Third webinar of the AETC series “The laboratory as a source of data for decision-making”.

Within the training cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians (AETC), the following webinar will take place on February 12: March 10: “Amylograph, Viscograph and Viscoquick: uses and applications” 16:00 h Welcome 4:10 p.m. Zaira Ruiz. Technical Sales Representative of the
vegetable field

Generic module: qualification of technicians in integrated production of agricultural and livestock products

Application deadline until 20/02/2025 Observations It is essential to have previously completed this course in order to access any of the specific modules on integrated production. To be admitted, it is necessary to have a university degree in Agricultural Engineering, Technical Agricultural Engineering, Veterinary Medicine or their equivalent
Quality illustration in a dairy factory
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Andalucía a través de la Fundación Andaluza de Ingenieros Agrónomos

IFS v8 Protocol Course: Contents and Certification Process

RECIPIENTS Food sector professionals, Production-Quality and Purchasing Directors, Specialized Consultants, Technicians assigned to carry out and support audits, interested in Food Safety requirements in the company GOALS To make known the requirements of the IFS protocol and its compliance criteria. CONTENTS The course will be based on revision 8

Strategies for improving nitrogen use efficiency in outdoor horticultural crops

This WEBINAR will present the results of experiences with Fertinagro Biotech nitrogen fertilizers based on the biostimulation of soil microbiota in the rhizospheric zone of crops . PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
Hands on a cultivated field to illustrate a course on carbon credits in agriculture

Online training sessions on carbon credits

Organised by the AgriRegenCarbon Project , the event focuses on the potential of carbon credits and their impact on the sustainability of the agricultural sector in Spain, and will address challenges facing the sector such as climate change, soil degradation and farm profitability. Keynote speaker Orson Acosta , CEO of Azolla Projects , an expert

Development and implementation of the Food Safety Culture Plan

Introduction Food safety practices continue to be of great importance and food companies devote a large part of their resources to designing and implementing policies, plans and programs that ensure consumers meet the high standards of product safety that society demands. However, despite current food safety systems and the efforts of companies to
agroalnext course poster

Technology Valuation and Transfer Course

This 6-hour intensive course, divided into two 3-hour sessions to be chosen from the three available dates, combines theory and practice to offer concrete tools and a strategic approach to the process of valorisation and technology transfer. Sessions can be chosen from the following dates. February 18 and 20, 2025 February 25 and 27, 2025 March 4
course poster
Asociación Española de Técnicos Cerealistas (AETC)

Farinograph and Extensograph, operating principle, use and applications. II webinar of the cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the AETC.

Within the training cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians (AETC), the following webinar will take place on February 17: “Farinograph and Extensograph, principle of operation, use and applications” 16:00 h Welcome. Javier Alonso. President of the AETC 4:10 p.m. Zaira Ruiz

Joining the agricultural company: Diversification

Modules AGRICULTURAL COMPANY 02/17/2025 - 03/21/2025 Application deadline until 02/02/2025 Observations Common module: valid for any sector of the Program for Incorporating Young People into Agricultural Businesses. Contents Structural improvements to farms Recommended investments and their sources of financing. Ways of involvement of agricultural
Gobierno de Canarias

Ecological soil management

Raise awareness of the complexity of soil as a system and the importance of maintaining its health. Understand the main physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, their interrelation and importance in maintaining its fertility and health. Understand the importance of soil structure, carbon and nitrogen cycles as integral parts of soil
young female farmer
LA UNIÓN (La Unión de Agricultores y Ganaderos de Extremadura)

Joining the agricultural company (online)

Joining the agricultural company (online), 200 hours in the morning and afternoon.
young farmers course

Young Farmers Course in Aragon

Course for Farmers in Aragon for incorporation into an Agricultural Company accredited by the Government of Aragon dated 10/07/2018 and validated by the Agri-Food Innovation and Transfer Service of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon according to article 13.2 of the Order of December 17, 2017, with
course poster
Asociación Española de Técnicos Cerealistas (AETC)

Quality control of grains and flours. First webinar of the AETC series “The laboratory as a source of data for decision-making”.

Within the training cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians (AETC), the following webinar will take place on February 12: “Grain and flour quality control” 16:00 h Welcome. Javier Alonso. President of the AETC 16:10 h Manuel Gómez Pallarés. Professor of Food Technology at the
young female farmer

Joining the agricultural company (online)

Course on joining an agricultural company (online), 200 hours long, in the morning and afternoon. Population: Start Date: 02/12/2025 End Date: 04/15/2025 File No.: E/2024IN-C/00472 Number of Places: 60 Number of Hours: 200 Session Type: Morning and Afternoon Organized by: INALOCAL, SL Address: C/ CARLOS III Nº 4 Town: Villaviciosa de Odón (Madrid)
urban irrigation
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Andalucía a través de la Fundación Andaluza de Ingenieros Agrónomos

Course on the design of efficient irrigation facilities in urban gardening

COURSE PRESENTATION The content of this course focuses on the design and sizing of irrigation systems that optimize the use of water in public gardening spaces, such as parks, urban green areas and public spaces. It addresses the main calculation techniques, design and evaluation of pressurized irrigation systems, the principles of efficiency and
Plataforma Tierra

Bioproduct development: from idea to market

This webinar will explore the process of developing , evaluating and registering agricultural products . It will feature the participation of leaders and experts from renowned companies and associations in the agri-food sector. During the session, the essential stages of the process will be broken down, from initial formulation to obtaining
Crop protection legislation
protección de cultivos, legislación

SUPPORT Webinar: Crop Protection Legislation

The European SUPPORT project, focused on Helping farmers meet the crop protection reduction targets of the Farm to Fork strategy through the implementation of integrated pest control, especially in strawberry, grape and olive crops, is now entering a phase in which policy recommendations can be made. For this reason, on 7 February 2025, from 10:00
Fundación para la Agricultura del Conocimiento

IBER: Hydraulic Modelling for Pond Classification

This hydraulic modelling course with IBER is designed to provide the student with the tools and knowledge necessary to carry out simulations of floods caused by a possible collapse of the containment dam of water reservoirs and thus evaluate its possible consequences on the territory, in such a way as to classify the reservoir according to its risk
Digital Kit Forum for Farmers and Collaborators aGROSlab

Digital Kit Forum for Farmers and Collaborators aGROSlab

This "Digital Kit Forum for Farmers and aGROSlab Collaborators" will focus on all issues related to the aGROSlab Digital Kit for Farmers proposal. The Digital Kit programme aims to subsidise the adoption of digitalisation solutions available on the market, provided by Digitalising Agents, for small and medium-sized enterprises, micro-enterprises
Free Training in Digital Skills Subsidized by RED.ES
Unión Profesional /

Pre-registration for free training in digital skills for agricultural engineers subsidized by RED.ES

During the years 2025 and 2026, FREE TRAINING in digital skills in the field of professional associations will be carried out, coordinated with Unión Profesional and subsidized by , lasting 150 hours. Each professional organization has a certain number of places assigned. Specifically, the General Council of Official Associations of