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Training courses


course poster
Consejo de Colegios de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas
Free training in digital skills related to Agricultural Engineering
With a pre-registration period ending on February 7, the Council of Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers has launched a comprehensive training program in digital skills aimed at registered
AI illustration with food
Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector
Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture
Key reasons to attend this course Gain knowledge about various types of pests, including phytophagous insects, plant pathogens, weeds and their impact on agriculture and forestry. Learn about modern
Do you want to know the shelf life of food?
Virtual course, includes individual tasting (pending information)

Fertigation in stone fruit trees

Goals: Provide knowledge on fruit tree nutrition at different stages of growth and productive development. Know the characteristics of soil and water. Know the characteristics of the fertilizers used, doses and efficient management of equipment in fertigation according to the needs of the crops. Contact:
course poster
Asociación Española de Técnicos Cerealistas (AETC)

“Amylograph, Viscograph and Viscoquick: uses and applications”. Third webinar of the AETC series “The laboratory as a source of data for decision-making”.

Within the training cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians (AETC), the following webinar will take place on February 12: March 10: “Amylograph, Viscograph and Viscoquick: uses and applications” 16:00 h Welcome 4:10 p.m. Zaira Ruiz. Technical Sales Representative of the
course poster
Asociación Española de Técnicos Cerealistas (AETC)

Farinograph and Extensograph, operating principle, use and applications. II webinar of the cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the AETC.

Within the training cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians (AETC), the following webinar will take place on February 17: “Farinograph and Extensograph, principle of operation, use and applications” 16:00 h Welcome. Javier Alonso. President of the AETC 4:10 p.m. Zaira Ruiz

Incorporation into the agricultural company: Fruit growing

MODULES AGRICULTURAL COMPANY 02/17/2025 - 02/21/2025 Morning: 09:00h-15:00h Application deadline until 02/02/2025 Contents Structural improvements to the farm Recommended investments and sources of financing for them Ways of involvement of agricultural professionals The first installation of young farmers Improvement plans Plan of exploitations and
course poster
Asociación Española de Técnicos Cerealistas (AETC)

Quality control of grains and flours. First webinar of the AETC series “The laboratory as a source of data for decision-making”.

Within the training cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians (AETC), the following webinar will take place on February 12: “Grain and flour quality control” 16:00 h Welcome. Javier Alonso. President of the AETC 16:10 h Manuel Gómez Pallarés. Professor of Food Technology at the
Fruit tree pruning and grafting course
Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería Pesca y Soberanía Alimentaria - Gobierno de Canarias

Fruit Tree Pruning and Grafting Course

This training course is aimed primarily at young people in the process of taking on the responsibilities of an agricultural company, who have been granted or are in the process of being granted a subsidy, to facilitate their incorporation into the agricultural sector, specifically, applicants for subsidies intended to support the creation of
fruit tree pruning

Pruning stone fruit trees

32-hour afternoon stone fruit pruning course. Observations: Courses co-financed by FEADER (85%), Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (3.72%) and Regional Government of Extremadura (11.28%) based on the continuous training programme of the General Directorate of Rural Development contemplated in the RDP of Extremadura, Measure M01 "Actions
New production and management techniques in pomegranate

New production and management techniques in pomegranate

Free webinar on new production and management techniques for pomegranates, a fruit tree with great productive potential and adaptability. During this specialized training, tools and strategies will be explored that will help you improve the quality and profitability of your harvest, with a focus on water saving and the efficient use of resources. 🔍
Illustration with fruits and vegetables
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Andalucía a través de la Fundación Andaluza de Ingenieros Agrónomos

GlobalGAP (IFA) v.6 protocol course. Fruits and vegetables: Contents and certification processes OPEN ENROLLMENT

This training activity is aimed at ACQUIRING THE NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE AND KEYS TO THE GLOBALG.AP IFA SCHEME, version 6 and OBTAINING THE NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE AND QUALIFICATION TO CARRY OUT INTERNAL AUDITS OF QMS and handling centres, as well as internal audits of production areas. The GLOBALG.AP Certificate, also known as the Integrated Farm
Junta de Andalucia

Planning and design of avocado and mango plantations

CONTENTS Culture medium and other conditions. Plant material. Cultivation system. Legal framework for agricultural production. Economic study of the exploitation. Plantation design. Carrying out the plantation.
Phytosanitary products
Itagra Formación

Course for the training of professional users and sellers of phytosanitary products. Basic

strategies and techniques for integrated pest management. Integrated production and organic production. Symptoms of poisoning and recommendations for the user. Practical cases. Measures to reduce risks and emergency measures in case of accidental contamination. Risks to consumers from residues of plant protection products. Preventive and protective

Agricultural sector: how to evaluate and assess damage to cereal crops

Agricultural insurance as an instrument for risk management. The expert appraisal and the appraiser. Grain Insurance: Coverage and appraisal.
Mango cultivation course in the Canary Islands
Gobierno de Canarias

Mango cultivation

30-hour online course to learn the general characteristics of the mango plant and varieties. The course shows the planting patterns , the most influential environmental factors in the cultivation, as well as the most important cultural practices (fertilization, irrigation, pruning, phytosanitary treatments, etc.) and special cultivation practices
Vegetative covers for pome fruit crops, olive groves, almond trees, citrus trees and vineyards

Vegetative covers in different crops

In this synchronous 5-session ONLINE course, the benefits of plant covers in pome fruit crops, olive groves, almond trees, citrus trees and vineyards will be explained . Sessions: 03 October | 16:00 h - 18:30 h | Session I. Vegetative covers in pome fruit. 17 October | 16:00 h - 18:30 h | Session II. Vegetative covers in olive growing. October 22 |
Benefits of the association of pea and pear mycorrhiza in organic farming
Gobierno de La Rioja

Benefits of the association of green peas (mycorrhiza) and the cultivation of young pear trees in organic farming

Organised by Gabriel Fabón and Clean-Biotec , with the collaboration of the Agriculture department of the Government of La Rioja, the MAPA and the FEADER funds, a field demonstration day will take place on 17 September in Nalda (La Rioja) on the benefits of combining the cultivation of green peas and young pear trees in organic farming. No
Green pruning workshop for avocado trees
IFAPA. Junta de Andalucía.

Green pruning workshop for avocado trees, in Benalup (Cádiz)

10-hour workshop, developed over two days, on the principles and practices of green pruning of avocado. Contents Fundamentals of green pruning of avocado Pruning tools and their handling Morphology and physiology of avocado Pruning practices Activity co-financed 90% by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development , within the Rural
Green pruning of avocado

Green pruning workshop for avocado trees

10-hour workshop, developed over two days, on the principles and practices of green pruning of avocado. Contents Fundamentals of green pruning of avocado Pruning tools and their handling Morphology and physiology of avocado Pruning practices Activity co-financed 90% by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development , within the Rural
technical day peral akisplataforma

Technical workshop on pear cultivation

Training activity to share experiences and visit 5 farms in Lleida on the adaptation and behavior of the "Williams" and "Conference" pear varieties to different rootstocks. Contents Welcome to attendees and presentation of the day The problem of pear trees with quince rootstocks Visit to the HNOS. ESPAX farm in Zadín Visit R. VIDAL “HUMIVID SL”
Biological control in avocado and mango
Junta de Andalucía

Theory and practice of biological control in avocado and mango

10-hour workshop with theory and practice on biological control in Avocado and Mango. Other topics to be covered include: Introduction and importance of biological control. Sampling types and techniques in avocado and mango. Pests and natural enemies in avocado and mango. Recognition of pests and natural enemies in avocado and mango. The deadline

Organic fruit growing

In-person course in which fruit tree varieties, plant covers, soil management and crop health are studied. The course is aimed at people who grow fruit trees organically or who intend to convert. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | LOCATION | INFORMATION and CONTACT, / 948013058