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Training courses


course poster
Consejo de Colegios de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas
Free training in digital skills related to Agricultural Engineering
With a pre-registration period ending on February 7, the Council of Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers has launched a comprehensive training program in digital skills aimed at registered
AI illustration with food
Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector
Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture
Key reasons to attend this course Gain knowledge about various types of pests, including phytophagous insects, plant pathogens, weeds and their impact on agriculture and forestry. Learn about modern
Do you want to know the shelf life of food?
Virtual course, includes individual tasting (pending information)
Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture: directed grazing as a tool for healing soils and economies

Introduction to Voisin Rational Grazing (PRV): a management technique that maximizes grass production. Directed grazing of large livestock, focused on sustainability. Directed grazing of small livestock, adapted to smaller farms. Regenerative livestock farming on farms with an agricultural territorial base, integrating soil improvement practices
eco circ
Metodo - Formación

Free online course Integrating the circular economy into business management

Free online course on integrating the circular economy into business management for workers in the Region of Murcia . This course has a final face-to-face exam to be taken at our headquarters in Murcia ( C/ Sierra Carbonera 3-5 bajo ). Related occupations and positions: senior technicians in business organization and administration, management and
chicken farm

Animal welfare in livestock farms online

Addressed to: Aimed at owners and workers on livestock farms or anyone who wants to get involved in livestock farming. Goals: Obtaining a certificate of training in animal welfare. Training will be obtained by attending the course and passing an exam, and will be accredited by the issuance of a card by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and

Basic course on occupational risk prevention in the agricultural sector

Addressed to: Business owners in the agricultural and livestock sector who personally undertake preventive activities on their farms, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 39/1997. Workers in the sector who perform basic level functions in occupational risk prevention. People who want to acquire basic knowledge in occupational risk
Itagra CT

Almond cultivation, management and pruning

The almond tree is presented as a crop with sustained, efficient growth that optimizes resources and new land uses, so it is necessary to train farmers and investors so that they have the best information and updated knowledge. Training in almond cultivation to meet the demands of a constantly growing sector. Disseminate almond planting techniques
Centro Barrax Rural Innovation Hub

Vegetative covers in woody crops. Keys to their implementation and development within the framework of the CAP eco-regimes

In this two-day, in-person, specialized training course, attendees will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of plant cover in woody crops. Speakers who are experts in the field will present key aspects of how to successfully implement plant cover in woody crops in semi-arid climates. In addition, the issues to be taken into account
vineyard illustrating low-cost analysis course in winery

Interpretation of oenological analyses and performance of simple, low-cost analyses in the winery

Eminently practical course in which the analysis of the results of the analyses received will be worked on, as well as what data can be obtained by oneself in the winery (total acidity, pH, volatile acidity, free sulfur, etc.)
Smart Regions

“Smart rural” intensive training program

The aim of the online intensive training programme is to train agents as key drivers in the strategic and methodological processes for the transformation of the regions into "Smart Regions". The programme of 5 workshops for a total of 50 hours is aimed at technical staff, managers and presidents of the Local Action Groups, as well as members of
Poster for the Decentralized Biocomposting Course

Design of decentralized biowaste and composting management systems

With registration open until REGISTRATION OPEN UNTIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 AT 2:00 PM, this blended course covers the following topics: Agrocomposting and other decentralized composting options Costs, savings and rates Facility design Participatory dynamics for design, optimization and communication: Mater Menu. Monitoring and control of occupational
REA, CUA, SIEX courses in the Canary Islands
Gobierno de Canarias

The Autonomous Exploration Register (REA), the Digital Exploitation Notebook (CUA) and the Exploitation Information System (SIEX)

The objective of this 30-hour online course is to inform those responsible for current and future farms about the new regulations that must be applied and complied with, regarding the Farm Information System and the operation of the autonomous components with the case studies presented by farms in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands
Digitalization course for agroecological enterprises

Agroecological entrepreneurship and marketing on social networks

The Confederation of Federations and Associations of Families and Women in Rural Areas ( AFAMMER ) has organized a 50-hour course whose main objective is to improve the management of the most operational digital tools for the virtual sale and trade of agricultural, livestock and fishing products . It also seeks to enable participants to lay the
Phytosanitary courses in the Canary Islands
Gobierno de Canarias

Handler of phytosanitary products (basic level)

25-hour course to train all personnel who handle phytosanitary products and who perform their duties within the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands to obtain the Official Phytosanitary Products Handler Card . Basic Level. Registration up to 8 days before the start
minimum viable data space
DIH Datalife

Defining a Minimum Viable Data Space

Cross-curricular face-to-face training taught in English that will address the following aspects with a participatory and practical approach: Technical characteristics Data Space Architectures Interoperability and applicable standards Data Space Protocol Open source software components in development Practical implementation of a minimum viable
rural entrepreneurship course

Entrepreneurship in rural areas, through RedPAC

Until September 9, the registration period has opened for two new editions of the Distance learning course (streaming) : “Entrepreneurship in rural areas”, organized by RedPAC : The 10th edition of the course will take place between September 24 and October 17, 2024, in the morning , from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The 11th edition of the course will take
agri-food training logo

New application technologies in irrigation

Course of the continuing training plan for rural technicians of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) MAP TRAINING
DIH Datalife

Management and governance of data spaces

Cross- curricular training in which, with a combination of theoretical presentations, practical case studies and interactive discussions, the following topics will be addressed: European policies and regulations on the data economy What are data spaces and what are they needed for? Main Spanish and European organisations Architectures proposed by
Benefits of the association of pea and pear mycorrhiza in organic farming
Gobierno de La Rioja

Benefits of the association of green peas (mycorrhiza) and the cultivation of young pear trees in organic farming

Organised by Gabriel Fabón and Clean-Biotec , with the collaboration of the Agriculture department of the Government of La Rioja, the MAPA and the FEADER funds, a field demonstration day will take place on 17 September in Nalda (La Rioja) on the benefits of combining the cultivation of green peas and young pear trees in organic farming. No
DIH Datalife

Data collection and integration

Cross-cutting training, with multiple and practical applications in the agricultural and livestock sector, in which the following topics will be addressed with a practical and participatory approach: History of data capture Definitions of IoT and IIoT Data Capture: Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things Data processing architectures ICT
Digitalization of agricultural and livestock farms
DIH Datalife

Digitalization of the management of agricultural and livestock farms

In-person course that will include theoretical sessions that will address the requirements and regulatory changes linked to digital tools in the agricultural sector. The following topics will be addressed: Introduction to the digital field notebook Introduction to the Digital Exploitation Book Digital books on drug treatments, veterinary
IRIAF course on agricultural social security
Centro de Investigación Agroforestal de Albaladejito. IRIAF.

Agricultural Social Security

From September 3 to 4, 2024, the IRIAF of Castilla y León is organizing an Agricultural Social Security course. Aimed at self-employed workers and employees, it will address issues such as: Contribution and benefits rules Digital procedures Electronic headquarters IMPORTASS Portal It is mandatory to complete and sign an application that must be