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Agroecological entrepreneurship and marketing on social networks

Start date: 07/10/2024
Ending date: 07/11/2024
Modality: Online
Location: Online


The Confederation of Federations and Associations of Families and Women in Rural Areas ( AFAMMER ) has organized a 50-hour course whose main objective is to improve the management of the most operational digital tools for the virtual sale and trade of agricultural, livestock and fishing products . It also seeks to enable participants to lay the foundations for defining an entrepreneurial business model in the agri-food sector .

The course is aimed at people living in rural areas anywhere in Spain and of legal age, preferably women, who are interested in using digital tools to improve their work skills . Participants will be able to:

  • To understand and value the concept of agroecology and its use as a tool for social and economic revitalization of territories.
  • Detect agri-food business opportunities with an agroecological focus through marketing in Short Circuits and Networks .
  • Know and develop the necessary knowledge to implement a face-to-face and/or virtual sales strategy .
  • Develop entrepreneurial skills and competencies.

A maximum of 12 places has been planned.

This training is part of the program “Conecta En Rural. Rural Digital Women breaking the gap” which seeks to encourage rural women to take advantage of opportunities in the digital age.


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