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Beekeeping 4.0 technology applied in the apiary

Start date: 25/11/2024
Ending date: 29/11/2024
Modality: Blended learning
Autonomous community: Extremadura
Province: Cáceres
Location: Husillos (Palencia)


  • There are between 25,000 and 35,000 species of bees on the planet (1,100 in Spain). They are essential for agriculture: more than 75% of food crops and 90% of wild flora depend on pollinators. Their decline would put a brake on the development of agriculture.
  • Various factors are influencing the significant decline in the bee population: climate change, pesticides, varroa, among others.
  • Technology is an allied tool aimed at controlling and boosting production. For example, monitored hives allow for the analysis and processing of information from connected hives, discovering patterns and predicting behavioural models. AI provides information on the health status of each hive and the impact of climatic conditions.
  • Incorporating cutting-edge technologies into the beekeeping sector, helping to solve the main problems existing in the sector, such as the mortality of hives, the increase in costs derived from beekeeping management, theft and the growth of diseases such as varroasis or ascospheriosis, in addition to the threat of the Asian wasp, among others.
  • More efficient management of the apiary aimed at improving the quality of honey and other bee products.
  • Promote modern, professional and responsible beekeeping.

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