Grupo operativo
This Operational Group was created to develop a novel, comprehensive support system for forest management, based on a model that operates at a local level and that aims to boost and enhance the value of forest resources in a comprehensive manner under …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force is seeking to implement a new technology for recovery that complements the two biotechnologies that Ecocelta already uses to recover organic waste: composting and vermicomposting. This new valorisation technology has as its main element …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force aims to achieve greater sustainable agricultural production, devoting great efforts to research and innovation at all levels. One of the major problems encountered is the environmental awareness and knowledge of the owners. The level of …
Grupo operativo
Operational Group for the promotion of innovation in hop cultivation in Galicia (As Mariñas region), with a study of environmental improvements in processes and technologies and the promotion of energy savings. Sustainable management of water resources, …
Grupo operativo
This Task Force seeks to implement technical and innovative improvements in the beekeeping subsector to increase the profitability of farms. The aim is to improve the obtaining and conservation of bee venom by implementing the best available techniques …
Grupo operativo
Reuse and recycling of substrates in intensive crops …
Grupo operativo
Maximizing genetic improvement of conifers through innovative vegetative propagation techniques in Galicia …
Grupo operativo
The work planned by the Operative Group focuses on the application of PLF (Precision Livestock Farming) systems to achieve animal welfare models, through research into new cyber-physical systems based on the concept of the Internet of Things aimed at …
Grupo operativo
This Operational Group was created with the aim of developing a computer application that reflects all the stages of the tomato production cycle in order to obtain the water footprint and the carbon footprint at the end of the campaign at all stages of …
Grupo operativo
The creation of the Operational Group will bring innovative technology to the wine sector, which will provide a management platform for better monitoring and management of vineyards, managing both the health status of the vineyards and the control of …
Grupo operativo
The aim of the Task Force is to improve the shelf life of organic fruit through innovative practices such as the application of biocontrol agents. … Improving the shelf life of organic fruit through the innovative practice of applying biocontrol …
Grupo operativo
The Task Force aims to develop a procedure to manage and recover waste produced by pig farms and oil mills by implementing biomethanisation technology. In order to ensure the economic profitability of biomethanisation and maximise environmental benefits, …
Grupo operativo
This Operational Group was created with the aim of trying to group the entire value chain of organic agriculture in a regional technological platform, promoting cooperation between agents and interested parties of the Science-Technology-Companies system …
Grupo operativo
The objective of the Operational Group is to create a network for monitoring agroclimatic parameters that affect the processing and quality of table olives. To this end, the aim is to select and characterise plots, compile historical data, analyse …