II International Congress on Cattle Event In-person and online congress where technicians and farmers will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the image that society has of the beef cattle sector and what levers should be activated to reverse preconceived ideas. Streaming of the Congress …
Demonstration day "Variable dosing equipment for phytosanitary products" Event The second edition of the demonstration day "Variable dosing equipment for phytosanitary products" will take place on July 9th at Finca La Grajera . Organized by the Government of La Rioja , the event will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will continue with a field …
Renewal of the phytosanitary products handler card, Terrinches (Ciudad Real) Training course The aim of this course is to improve the qualifications of professionals in the agri-food sector and in rural areas, promoting the sustainable use of phytosanitary products by reducing the risks and effects of their use on human health and the …
CXTierra Tool Application that allows managing crops in a more comfortable and efficient way through the digital field notebook compatible with legal obligations, the real-time connection between farmer and technician, the alert and infection system and the …
Renewal of the phytosanitary products handler card, Mota del Cuervo Training course The aim of this course is to improve the qualifications of professionals in the agri-food sector and in rural areas, promoting the sustainable use of phytosanitary products by reducing the risks and effects of their use on human health and the …
Renewal of the phytosanitary products handler card, La Solana (CR) Training course The aim of this course is to improve the qualifications of professionals in the agri-food sector and in rural areas, promoting the sustainable use of phytosanitary products by reducing the risks and effects of their use on human health and the …
Mairu Tool Solution that digitizes agricultural and livestock operations, controls crops, livestock, displays indicators in real time and improves coordination in the field. … …
Hectre Tool Farm management software and vision technology to assess color grade and size in the field or warehouse of fruit … Hectre …
Tecnoagrícola Tool Portal with a comparator of authorized phytosanitary products in conventional and organic/ecological/biodynamic agriculture, and seeds … …
EUFRAS COFFEE Break on Thematic Networks Event EUFRAS organises an online collaborative Forum that helps to participate and manage thematic networks and to exchange, learn and grow with like-minded professionals across the agricultural advisory sector. Forum Participants : Beatriz Cardoso (CONSULAI) …
Innovations in post-harvest treatments against rice and legume weevils Operational group The project aims to take an important step towards reducing the risk of insect development in post-harvest rice, using a physical technology that leaves no residue. The technology to be developed is based on the industrial application of dielectric …
Futures exchange Operational group The main objective of the Operational Group is to integrate the supply of fish to schools and hospitals and other social groups, as well as commercial catering directly from the primary producer at the optimal time of capture of the species analyzed after …
Innovation and adaptation of PDO oil to new market demands Operational group Creation of an Operational Group to coordinate and structure the project studies: Innovation and adaptation of PDO oil to new market demands. This project aims to reduce the cost of production of extra virgin olive oil with a system of concentration and …
Creation of the Operational Group for the digitalisation strategy in the wine sector Operational group Creation of the Operational Group for the digitalisation strategy in the wine sector …
Creation of the Catalan Agricultural Cooperative Winery Innovation Operational Group (GO ENOCOOP) Operational group Creation of the Catalan Agricultural Cooperative Winery Innovation Operational Group (GO ENOCOOP) …