Agro-food cooperatives Valencian community Hubs, Platforms and networks Platform for institutional representation, cooperative promotion, training, communication and business representation … Agro-food cooperatives Valencian …
CAJAMAR Earth Platform Hubs, Platforms and networks Collaborative open innovation platform to promote sustainable land use and territorial management in Spain. … CAJAMAR Earth Platform …
DAY “PERTE Agri-food, key actions for the digital transformation of the agri-food sector” Event In this online informative day, the degree of implementation of the measures of greatest interest for the digitalization of the agri-food sector will be reported within the framework of the Agri-Food PERTE that was approved on February 8, 2022. DIARY: …
Fruit Attraction Event Fruit Attraction is the meeting point for fruit and vegetable professionals. Fruit Attraction has become the reference commercial tool for the WORLDWIDE marketing of fruit and vegetables . Its capacity to promote global exports in the sector makes it the …
Increase in organic matter, sustainable management of extensive systems in Spain (GO MOSOEX) Operational group Promote an innovative soil management model for extensive rainfed production systems, aimed at improving organic matter and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in line with the 4 per thousand strategy. … Increase in organic matter, sustainable management …
Report on Spanish supra-autonomous EIP-AGRI projects 2017-2022 Multimedia content The report summarizes the first funding period (2014-2022) of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-Agri) operational groups, implemented at supra-autonomous level in Spain. Since the launch of EIP-Agri …
Grups operatius a Catalunya. Call 2018 (Catalan) Multimedia content The Technical Dossier no. 123: “Grups operatius a Catalunya. Call 2018” is dedicated to the Groups Operatius developed within the framework of the CAP Strategic Plan (PEPAC 2023-2027), and includes the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems, also …
Operational Groups in Catalonia. Call for 2018 Multimedia content "Technical Dossier No. 123: “Operational groups in Catalonia. Call 2018” is dedicated to the Operational Groups developed within the framework of the CAP Strategic Plan (PEPAC 2023-2027), and taking into account the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation … recommends GO SIMBIOLIVA Multimedia content SIMBIOLIVA Operational Group, a project that bets on #biotechnology as a driver of the circular economy in the treatment of alperujo, a key by-product in the olive oil industry. … recommends GO …
Dossier of supra-autonomous innovation projects Multimedia content Inventory of innovative projects implemented by supra-regional operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability of the National Rural Development Programme (PNDR) 2014-2022, submeasure 16.2. …
Biofunctionalization of national strategic crops to improve their competitiveness in the market (GO BIODIF) Operational group Analysis of all strategic tomato, corn and olive crops to select the compounds of greatest interest for biofunctionalization. With the application of nanotechnology, the effect of treatments on strategic crops will be quantified and described and the …
Determination of the carbon balance of olive oil production (GO OLIVE CARBON BALANCE) Operational group Spain is the world leader in olive oil production, surface area and foreign trade. The project focuses on the development of an algorithm capable of calculating with a high degree of certainty the carbon balance of an olive grove plot in a given campaign …
Obtaining bioactive compounds from by-products of the olive sector (GO BIOLIVA) Operational group The olive sector generates large quantities of leaves as a by-product and its management has always consisted of crushing and burning them, which is not favourable for the environment. The project involves the optimization of the extraction process of …
Utilization and improvement of the quality of brine produced by olive industries (GO ATHENEA) Operational group The activities and results of the project allow the use of derivatives from the olive industry (brines, lyes and organic products) for livestock feed. … Utilization and improvement of the quality of brine produced by olive industries (GO …
New bio-technological solutions for a circular economy of alperujo (GO SIMBIOLIVA) Operational group SIMBIOLIVA will obtain four key results: Polyphenol extraction process: This allows a reduction in their presence in the alperujo and facilitates their possible future valorisation Biological treatment: To reduce the polyphenols present in the alperujo …