CAJAMAR Earth Platform Hubs, Platforms and networks Collaborative open innovation platform to promote sustainable land use and territorial management in Spain. … CAJAMAR Earth Platform …
Improvement In The Management Of Agricultural Farms. Operational Groups And Innovative Projects Multimedia content English translation of a compilation of projects developed through Rural Development Programmes, operational groups and innovative projects that are working on issues of improvement in the management of agricultural holdings. … Improvement In The …
Improvements in the Management of Agricultural Farms. Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Multimedia content This publication is a compilation of Operational Groups and Innovative Projects on improvements in the management of agricultural holdings in Spain and Europe. … Improvements in the Management of Agricultural Farms. Operational Groups and Innovative …
Industrial tomato footprint (GO Tomprint) Operational group This Operational Group was created with the aim of developing a computer application that reflects all the stages of the tomato production cycle in order to obtain the water footprint and the carbon footprint at the end of the campaign at all stages of …
Soil management and fertilization in mango and avocado cultivation Training course Contents Edaphoclimatic requirements of avocado and mango Biodiversity in subtropical farms Soil improvement and preparation Fertilization in the cultivation of avocado and mango Design of avocado and mango plantations … Soil management and fertilization …
EXPLODING NIJAR 2024 Event The Agricultural Fair is celebrating its sixteenth event with sustainable agriculture and water management as its central theme. LOCATION : Campohermoso Exhibition and Congress Centre, Níjar, Almería CONTACT : +34 616 447 829, email: …
Fertilisation in conservation and precision agriculture within the framework of the CAP Training course The main objective of this course is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement fertilization techniques that optimize the use of resources and promote agricultural sustainability. In the context of the Common …
CARBOCERT Task Force. Quantification and Certification of Organic Carbon in Mediterranean Agricultural Soils Multimedia content Establish methodologies that allow for the accounting of the increase in carbon in agricultural soils and in fixed and lasting structures as a result of the application of sustainable agronomic practices. … CARBOCERT Task Force. Quantification and …
STONE FRUIT OPERATIVE GROUP. Innovation project for the adaptation of the stone fruit sector to climate change Multimedia content Design, development and implementation at pilot action level of innovative strategies and tools to facilitate the adaptation of stone fruit production guidelines to the effects of climate change. … STONE FRUIT OPERATIVE GROUP. Innovation project for the …
Social Innovation in Land Management Operational Group (GOINNOLAND) Multimedia content The main objective of the project is to jointly address the specific problem of abandonment of cultivated land and to take advantage of the opportunities of the cooperative sector from a multi-sectoral social innovation perspective. … Social Innovation in …
Implementation of ecological developments for sustainable agriculture (IDEAS) Multimedia content Achieve more sustainable horticulture by implementing agro-environmental measures that maximize crop productivity through the intensification of ecological processes through functional biodiversity. … Implementation of ecological developments for …
Improving water and energy use in modernized irrigation of fruit trees (GO InnoWater) Multimedia content Proposal to improve the efficiency of water and energy use at the plot scale by defining a system of management indicators and applying a comparative analysis to extract value from shared macro-data. … Improving water and energy use in modernized …
Adaptation of the stone fruit sector to climate change Operational group Design, development, evaluation and implementation of actions for integrated adaptation systems for the stone fruit sector to climate change. … Adaptation of the stone fruit sector to climate …
Quantification and Certification of Organic Carbon in Mediterranean Agricultural Soils (GO CARBOCERT) Operational group Establish methodologies that allow for the accounting of the increase in carbon in agricultural soils and in fixed and lasting structures as a result of the application of sustainable agronomic practices. … Quantification and Certification of Organic …
Social Innovation in Land Management Operational Group (GO INNOLAND) Operational group The main objective of the project is to jointly address a specific problem of abandonment of cultivated land and to take advantage of the opportunities of the cooperative sector from the perspective of multi-sectoral social innovation. … Social Innovation …