AKIS Spain
Consult general and specific information from the National System of Knowledge and Innovation in Agriculture (SCIA-AKIS)
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Regional Knowledge and Innovation Systems in Agriculture involve numerous local public and private actors aimed at modernisation and sustainable development of the sector. You can consult the AKIS of each Autonomous Community .
Comunidad autónoma
The production of the Andalusian agricultural sector represents 25.7% of national agricultural production ( Junta de Andalucía (2022). The agricultural and fishing sector in...
Comunidad autónoma
The heterogeneity of Aragon makes it possible to find an important sample of Mediterranean and continental crops (dry and irrigated) distributed at different altitudes associated...
Comunidad autónoma
Asturias, Principality of
In Asturian agriculture, the majority of the cultivated area is apple trees and, to a lesser extent, other small fruits such as blueberries and other varieties of fruit. On the...
Comunidad autónoma
Balearic Islands, Illes
The agricultural indicators published by the Balearic Islands Statistics Institute show a decline in agricultural and livestock production, which is also reflected in the export of...
Comunidad autónoma
Canary Islands
The agricultural sector in the archipelago is developed on fertile soils that facilitate deep-rooted crops such as bananas, grapes, tomatoes, oranges, potatoes and avocados...
Comunidad autónoma
Cantabria has a surface area of 5,321 km², of which more than 90% is considered rural land and, within this, 40% is used for agricultural land, which generates between 1.5 and 2%...
Comunidad autónoma
Castile and Leon
The agricultural sector in Castile-León is of utmost importance for the economy of the community and Spain (9% Gross Added Value). In the sector there are 98,300 agricultural...
Comunidad autónoma
Castile-La Mancha
Castilla-La Mancha has a long tradition and experience in the primary sector, which translates into the contribution of 10% of the Gross Added Value (GVA) of the agricultural...
Comunidad autónoma
The Catalan agri-food sector is a pillar of the economic structure of the Community and of Spain, with a significant foreign trade projection. Innovation in the sector is...
Comunidad autónoma
The agricultural sector is of great importance to the economy of Extremadura, contributing almost 6% of the gross added value and accounting for 9% of regional employment. In terms...
Comunidad autónoma
Galicia covers an area of 29,574 km 2 , of which more than 97.8% is rural. Less than a third of the total area is cultivated land and more than two thirds is forestry. The average...
Comunidad autónoma
Madrid, Community of
The Community of Madrid (CM) is characterised by a great agricultural tradition, although with a very limited weight in the regional economy and occupying, at the same time, one of...
Comunidad autónoma
Murcia, Region of
The Murcia AKIS system is developed in a territorial framework in which 32% of the region's surface is used for cultivation through 24,800 farms (44% is forest land and 12% are...
Comunidad autónoma
Navarre, Foral Community of
Navarra has a very diversified agricultural and livestock sector. In the Ribera area, irrigated horticultural crops are prominent, mainly associated with agroindustry, while the...
Comunidad autónoma
Rioja, The
The Riojan AKIS system is developed within a territorial framework of 5,045 km² of which 41.7% corresponds to agricultural surfaces and 28.7% to forest surfaces. In the second...
Comunidad autónoma
the Basque Country
In the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, agriculture and livestock are strategic sectors within the agri-food chain. In this context, the AKIS system of the Basque...
Comunidad autónoma
Valencian Community
The Valencian Community is the fourth largest Spanish economy with a weight on the national GDP of 9.3% ( Caixabank Research (2023) . The Community has 100,258 agricultural...