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The production of the Andalusian agricultural sector represents 25.7% of national agricultural production ( Junta de Andalucía (2022). The agricultural and fishing sector in Andalusia ). In terms of distribution, vegetables are the most representative crops, concentrating more than 40% of the national tomato production, 92.9% of strawberry production, practically all cotton production and around 70% of olive oil and durum wheat. Likewise, orange and rice crops represent 51.6% and 39% of the national production. The most important livestock herds in Andalusia are pigs and sheep, with almost 2.8 and 2.3 million heads respectively. Finally, the Andalusian agri-food sector has a significant specific weight in local industrial turnover and employment with 22% and 25% respectively ( Unicaja (2022). The Agricultural Sector in Andalusia 2021 ).

Innovation, creation and transfer of knowledge in the Andalusian agricultural sector is articulated through the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Strategy EIDIA 2021-2027, which has been conceived as a document that guides public R&D&I policies in all economic sectors. In the Strategy, the Andalusian Knowledge System (SAC) is made up of those entities that support, collaborate and project the research activities and results produced in Andalusia. In this sense, the agents of the SAC are those groups of people, institutions, organizations and entities that intervene in the processes of generation, transmission, transformation, use and dissemination of knowledge:

akis andalucia

The image shows the groups of public and private agents of a regional AKIS:

  • Agents that generate knowledge
  • Public sector agents
  • Agents dedicated to training
  • Agents of the agri-food sector
  • Other AKIS agents

AKIS agents and interactions

Agents dedicated to knowledge generation

  • Universities : A dozen Andalusian universities constitute the main agent of the knowledge system by integrating 86% of the more than 2,200 research groups (GI) registered in the Community ( Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development (2022). Characterization of the agricultural and fishing sector in Andalusia ).
  • International Agri-Food Campus of Excellence ( ceiA3 ).
  • Technological Corporation of Andalusia ( CTA ): brings together excellent researchers from universities and research centres, companies with an innovative vocation, financial entities operating in Andalusia and the Public Administration.
  • Andalusian OTRI Network: brings together the Research Results Transfer Offices of the different public universities in Andalusia.
  • Andalusian Foundation for the Dissemination of Innovation and Knowledge ( Discover ).
  • Andalusian Network of Technological Spaces (RETA).
  • Andalusian Network of Spaces for Scientific and Technical Dissemination ( RECTA ).
  • Agents of the Andalusian Knowledge System.

Public sector agents

  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development: public institution that administers the powers in agriculture, livestock, agri-food and fisheries in the Autonomous Community.
  • Institute for Research and Training in Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Organic Production ( IFAPA ) and its 16 centers distributed throughout the Community.
  • Andalusian Environment and Water Agency ( AMAYA ): provides environmental and water services in Andalusia, carrying out activities related to the protection, conservation, regeneration or improvement of the environment and water.
  • Andalusian Agricultural and Fisheries Management Agency ( AGAPA ).
  • Andalusian Knowledge Agency ( AAC ): public agency responsible for universities, scientific and technical research and knowledge transfer.
  • Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency ( IDEA ).
  • Andalusian Energy Agency ( AAE ): agency that promotes a new energy culture among people, companies and administrations, spreading knowledge about savings, energy efficiency and renewable sources, popularizing the efficient use of energy.
  • Regional Agricultural Offices ( OCA ).

Agents dedicated to training

Agents of the agri-food sector

Other agents

  • Association of Entrepreneurs of Southern Spain CESUR .
  • Cartuja Science and Technology Park, SA .
  • Association of Technological Centers of Andalusia (ACENTA): CIAC , CICAP , CIDAF , CITOLIVA , TECNOVA .
  • Public Business Agency for the Transformation and Economic Development of Andalusia, called “ Andalusia TRADE ”: brings together all the activities supporting the business sector to promote economic transformation, investment promotion, internationalization, innovation, the promotion of R&D&I, the transfer of knowledge, entrepreneurship and self-employment.
  • Association for Rural Development of Andalusia ( ARA ): association of all Rural Development Groups in Andalusia.

Instruments and tools for the dynamization of the AKIS


The Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Strategy – EIDIA Horizon 2027 represents the Andalusian Government's firm commitment to R&D&I as the basis for economic growth in the region, a competitive, sustainable and inclusive growth, firmly supported by science and knowledge. The adoption of a viable economic model inexorably requires research, development and innovation so as not to compromise future generations and thus advance under the premise of comprehensive sustainability, achieving lasting, fair and viable growth in Andalusia.

The EIDIA is conceived as a guiding document to guide public R&D&I policies in the community over the next six years, and is the instrument for programming, coordination, dynamization and evaluation of research policy in the community, replacing the previous Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation - PAIDI 2020 .

Its development has been approached from an integrative perspective, in line with the provisions of the main regional, national and European public plans and strategies on science and innovation, but also in other documents that govern different sectoral policies that impact, to a greater or lesser extent, the advancement of R&D&I or are based on it.

Among these instruments is the Smart Specialisation Strategy for the Sustainability of Andalusia, S4Andalucia 2021-2027 , which is the regional instrument for planning, execution, development and evaluation of public actions in the areas of research, innovation and industrial transition, digitalisation, training, entrepreneurship and cooperation for specialisation with a transversal perspective of sustainability and the fight against Climate Change in the European Cohesion Framework 2021-2027. One of the five Specialisation Environments of the S4Andalucía Strategy is Agrotechnology, which in turn is made up of the Green and Blue Economy and Agri-Food Industry – Functional Food Sub-environments.

CAP 2023-2027

In the field of the common agricultural policy, Andalusia allocates the following budget and actions to three of the interventions most directly linked to AKIS:

  • 7161 (Cooperation of EIP operational groups): €18 million.
  • 7201 (Training): €13.17 million.
  • 7202 (Consulting): €32.69 million.


Andalusia has a wide network of entities focused on R&D&I that maintain a "direct relationship to a greater or lesser extent with the agricultural and agri-food sectors. Collaborative and networked work is one of the hallmarks of this type of entities linked to other innovation entities and platforms with which they make contacts and establish alliances to work together." ( Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development (2022). Characterization of the agricultural and fishing sector of Andalusia : 350-1).

The 2,200 Research Groups, 46 Operational Groups , Local Action Groups , 47 Rural Development Groups, Networks , Platforms, Hubs, public entities, companies and agricultural organisations develop associative and cooperative activities through innovative thematic projects and productive approaches using digital tools, publications, and social networks, and organising seminars, face-to-face or virtual meetings that ultimately contribute to the development of the regional system of innovation and knowledge transfer within and outside the Community.