Cantabria has a surface area of 5,321 km², of which more than 90% is considered rural land and, within this, 40% is used for agricultural land, which generates between 1.5 and 2% of the regional Gross Added Value (GVA).
Agricultural holdings in Cantabria have an average surface area of 24.5 hectares. A large part of the hectares of crops are dry land, with a notable area devoted to fodder plants and corn for animal feed. The Cantabrian livestock sector, which is the most important agricultural activity in the Community, is widely represented by the cattle herd for the production of meat and milk ( European Commission (2024 ). In the agro-industry of the Community, the cocoa, chocolate and confectionery activity stands out, with more than a third of the sector's turnover, followed by the dairy and fish products industry. ( UNICAJA, (2021). The Agricultural Sector and the Food Industry in Spain: Main features and regional analysis in 2021 ).
The regional AKIS is represented by a cluster of public and private agents grouped together and interacting with each other:
The image shows the groups of public and private agents of a regional AKIS:
- Agents that generate knowledge.
- Public sector agents.
- Agents dedicated to training.
- Agents of the agri-food sector.
- Other AKIS agents.
AKIS agents and interactions
Agents dedicated to knowledge generation
- University of Cantabria .
- European University of the Atlantic .
- Centre for Agricultural Research and Training ( CIFA ): The Centre develops research projects, experiments and technological innovation to provide solutions to problems in the agricultural sector. The projects are grouped into four areas: Horticulture, Quality of food of animal origin, Animal production systems and Socioeconomics.
- Institute of Environmental Hydraulics ( IHCantabria ): Joint research institute of the University of Cantabria and the Government of Cantabria focused on hydraulic research.
- Cantabria Technology Centre ( CTC ): The Centre's mission is to provide value to companies through the application of practical and advanced solutions in the fields of industry and energy, navigation and robotics, and advanced materials and nanomaterials.
- Cantabria Industrial Research and Technology Centre ( CITICAN ).
Public sector agents
- Department of Rural Development, Livestock, Fisheries and Food : public institution that administers the powers in agriculture, livestock, agri-food, rural development and fisheries in the Autonomous Community.
- Regional Agricultural Offices (13):
Agents dedicated to training
- Agricultural and vocational training schools. You can consult a list of institutes and centres here .
Agents of the agri-food sector
- Food Quality Office ( ODECA ), “Foods of Cantabria”.
- Agrocantabria AGC : Company born from the merger of six Cantabrian cooperatives.
- Professional Colleges of Agricultural Engineering , Agricultural Technicians and Veterinary Medicine .
- Professional Agricultural Organizations (OPAs): UGAM-COAG , ASAJA Cantabria , SDGM-UPA Cantabria , AIGAS-La Unión .
Other agents
- Society for the Development of Cantabria ( SODERCAN ): Public company of the Government of Cantabria whose mission is to promote and contribute to the creation of a socio-business environment that favors investments in the business fabric and develops innovation and competitive improvement.
- Cantabrian Network for Rural Development /Local Action Groups.
- Operational Groups .
Instruments and tools for the dynamization of the AKIS
For the period 2021-2027, the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation in Cantabria (iCan 2020) led by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Innovation, Transport and Tourism includes the bioeconomy and the agri-food sector as one of its 5 strategic ecosystems.
CAP 2023-2027
In the area of the CAP, Cantabria has budgeted €2.3 million for agricultural advice, and €850,000 for Operational Groups.
You can consult the details of the National Strategic Plan of the CAP-Cantabria by clicking here .