Rioja, The
The Riojan AKIS system is developed within a territorial framework of 5,045 km² of which 41.7% corresponds to agricultural surfaces and 28.7% to forest surfaces. In the second smallest community in terms of geographical surface, 50% of the farms have an extension of less than 5 ha, although the average size of the farms reaches 22.5 ha. ( European Commission, 2023 ).
The primary sector is of great importance, contributing almost 5% of the gross added value. The predominant crops in terms of final agricultural production are wheat, sugar beet, mushrooms, pears, grapes and olive oil ( Statistics Institute of La Rioja ).
The Riojan livestock sector is mainly represented by poultry/chicken (88%), followed by pigs (6%) and sheep/goats (3%) (Statistics Institute of La Rioja).
The Riojan regional AKIS is represented by a group of public and private agents that interact with each other:
The image shows the groups of public and private agents of a regional AKIS and the links between them:
- R&D&I agents that generate knowledge or promote the transfer of knowledge.
- Public Administration Agents.
- Agents dedicated to training.
- Agents of the agri-food sector.
- Agents involved in the incorporation of innovation in the agri-food sector.
- Agents that stimulate innovation through cooperation and association.
- Other AKIS agents.
AKIS agents and interactions
Agents dedicated to knowledge generation
- University of La Rioja , generator of regulated and non-regulated knowledge, with great research capacity and dissemination thereof.
- Campus of International Excellence (CEI) of the Ebro Valley ( Campus IBERUS) promoted in strategic aggregation by the public universities of the Autonomous Communities of Aragon and La Rioja, of the Foral Community of Navarre, as well as that of the province of Lleida in Catalonia.
- Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences ( ICVV ): Research centre in Viticulture and Oenology, created by the Government of La Rioja (through the Department of Agriculture), the Higher Council for Scientific Research and the University of La Rioja. Its aim is to generate new knowledge and new technologies in Viticulture and Oenology that serve as a basis for technological development and innovation in a sector, the wine sector, which is inherent to our culture and our agricultural economy, as well as to promote the transfer of scientific and technological results to society, so that its research activity has practical implications and in this way contributes to the development of the sector .
- Agricultural Research Service , develops research projects in the areas of viticulture - genetic material, minority varieties, soils... - and oenology - microbiology, yeasts and bacteria, or winemaking technology. The following are also part of the agricultural research service:
- La Grajera Institutional Winery .
- La Grajera Experimental Oil Mill .
- Pazuengos agricultural exploitation .
- La Rioja Mushroom Technology Research Centre ( CTICH ): Centre dedicated to research and technological development, improving the quality of production, increasing competitiveness and stimulating the modernisation of companies in the sector, through the provision of services to its members and the implementation of scientific research and technological development projects aimed at the cultivated mushroom sector.
- FUDin : A platform for innovative solutions and high-value services that was born from the union of the Meat Industry Technology Centre (CTIC) and the Food Research and Technology Centre of La Rioja (CITA), which meet the technical and research needs required in the agri-food industry, both meat and vegetable. The management of the centre is entrusted to the Association for Research, Development and Innovation in the Agri-Food Sector ( AIDISA ). In 2024 it will merge with the National Centre for Food Technology and Safety ( CNTA ), creating the first private technology centre specialising in the agri-food sector in Spain.
Public sector agents
- Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural World and Environment : public institution that administers the responsibilities of agriculture, livestock, agri-food, rural environment and the environment of the Community.
- Regional Agricultural Offices (8).
- Economic Development Agency of La Rioja ( ADER ) : Agency whose mission is to stimulate and promote business development in La Rioja, providing active services, granting financial aid and supporting the financing of companies.
- Agroclimatic information service ( SIAR )
- Agricultural Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit . A multidisciplinary team that manages the acquisition of projects, R&D contracts, establishment of international collaborations, as well as organizing different courses aimed at the agricultural and agri-food sector of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, so that the results of R&D&I in these areas are disseminated so that scientific, technical and technological advances reach all agricultural holdings in La Rioja.
- Regional Laboratory of the Government of La Rioja , as a support laboratory for R&D&I.
- Haro Wine Station , a benchmark in analysis and technical assistance to public and private organisations in the wine sector, both regional and national, and a reference laboratory for the analysis of the fingerprint of all Spanish wines.
- Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Business and Self-Employment .
Agents dedicated to training
- Agricultural training and vocational training schools in the Community. You can consult a list of schools and centres here
- Training courses for the agricultural sector 2023-2024 provided by different organizations. You can consult the list of courses by clicking here .
- School of Shepherds of La Rioja , project that arose as an initiative of the Brieva de Cameros Town Council based on a reflection on how to find alternatives for the future of the town and, in general, for the mountain territories where livestock farming has been the main activity.
Agents of the agri-food sector
- Quality products “Foods from La Rioja”: DO and IGP
- Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of La Rioja ( FECOAR ), Cooperatives, SAT, other agricultural groups and associations, ATRIAS , etc.
- Professional Colleges of Agricultural Engineers, Agricultural Technicians and Veterinarians
- Professional Agricultural Organizations ( OPAs ): Union of Farmers and Ranchers of La Rioja, UAGR-COAG , ARAG-ASAJA , UPA-La Rioja
- Agricultural and agri-food companies
- Advisory entities :
- ASEGAR 2024 UTE is an entity formed by the union of Ingeniería Carna, Bricalvet, Agrovidar and Clean Biotec.
- Servicoopr UTE is an entity formed by the union of FECOAR , AGER Technology and ASER.
- Riojan Association of Farmers and Ranchers ( ARAG-ASAJA ).
- Union of small farmers and ranchers of La Rioja ( UPA ).
- Union of farmers and ranchers of La Rioja ( UAGR-COAG ).
- FOOD+I Cluster , a private entity that brings together more than 90 companies in the sector, knowledge centres and other entities related to food innovation. Its objective is to promote the competitiveness and development of the agri-food sector in the Ebro Valley through the anticipation of business trends, the incorporation of technology and the development of R&D&I solutions close to the market within the European environment.
- The Association of Professional Producers of Substrates and Mushrooms of La Rioja, Navarra and Aragon ( ASOCHAMP ) is a professional, non-profit organization that brings together all the mushroom growers of these three Autonomous Communities. It is managed by the CTICH to provide the sector with an element of research, revitalization and development.
Other agents
- Riojan Rural Development Network composed of 3 Local Action Groups: Association for the Development of La Rioja Alta ( ADRA ), ADR Rioja Oriental and CEIP-Rural .
- Operational Groups on agricultural productivity and sustainability and innovation teams to mitigate climate change and environmental projects. You can consult information on the Groups since 2017 by clicking here .
Instruments and tools for the dynamization of the AKIS
The Smart Specialisation Strategy S3 2021-2027 represents the strategic guidelines that group together the key priorities, challenges and needs of each region. The new strategy for the period 2021-2027 gives priority to promoting all areas that make up the value chain of the agri-food industry as the main regional productive sector.
Within Area of Specialization 2 – Competitive Industry, which pursues the evolution and transformation of the regional production model to achieve an industry with better and greater capabilities, differentiation and innovation intensity, in an increasingly competitive and global environment. Two of its Specialization Priorities are the Agri-Food Value Chain, including the development of precision agriculture in the region, in addition to the incorporation of new technologies (artificial intelligence, big data analysis, etc.) throughout the agri-food value chain ( Smart Agro, Agriculture 4.0 and Food Industry 4.0 ), to move towards more sustainable and efficient agri-food management and production, greater integration of the consumer in innovation processes and the development of collaborative networks to reduce inefficiencies, cost savings and greater traceability control in the value chain; and Enorregión, with the aim of becoming the global benchmark in research, innovation, trend creation, differentiated training and wine tourism worldwide.
The Strategic Plan for Science and Technology sets out two areas of specialisation related to the agricultural sector: “Competitive industry” and “Sustainable and cohesive ecoregion”. The first, among other lines, is intended to prioritise the agri-food value chain. The second emphasises a line of specialisation focused on the circular economy. In line with the functioning of an AKIS system, the strategic axes “I. Culture of science, technology and innovation”, and “II. Collaborative and open environments and infrastructures for cooperation”, emphasise collaboration, innovation and the transfer of knowledge between the economic agents of the community.
In terms of organic production, the transfer of knowledge and specialized training in organic production at the different links in the chain (production, processing and marketing) is expected to be strengthened, facilitating the professionalization of the organic production sector. In this sense, the AKIS system is established as an articulator of the development opportunities of organic production by aligning the needs, strengths and opportunities of the different agents involved.
CAP 2023 - 2027
In the field of the Common Agricultural Policy, La Rioja allocates the following budget and actions to four of the interventions most directly linked to AKIS:
- 7161 (Cooperation of EIP operational groups): €0.99 million. The type of operations is established based on their destination:
- Create added value by linking research and agricultural practices, as well as promoting the use of innovative measures.
- Connect innovation agents and projects.
- Promote the rapid transposition of innovative solutions into practice.
- Inform the scientific community of research needs in agricultural practice.
- 7162 (Cooperation other than EIP operational groups): €1.98 million. The intervention will allow the provision of aid for the financing of the following operations through the creation of a Cooperation Group (GC) not related to the AEI:
- Implementation of pilot projects aimed at productive and sustainable agriculture practices.
- Development of innovative actions aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change.
- Development of joint approaches to environmental projects and the promotion of sustainable agriculture.
- 7201 (Knowledge sharing and information dissemination): €1.99 million. This intervention will consist of the following actions:
- Aid for vocational training and acquisition of skills.
- Support for demonstration and information activities.
- Grants for short-term exchanges relating to the management of agricultural and forestry farms and rural businesses, as well as visits to agricultural and forestry farms and rural businesses.
- Aid for the training of advisors.
- 7202 (Consulting): €4.13 million
- Aid to help obtain advisory services.
- Aid for the creation of management, replacement and advisory services.
- Aid for the provision of tutoring services.
Digitalization in the agricultural sector
Within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, component 3: "Environmental and digital transformation of the agri-food and fishing sector" includes the investment: "Plan to promote the sustainability and competitiveness of agriculture and livestock (III): investments in precision agriculture, energy efficiency and the circular economy and in the use of renewable energy and gases in the agricultural and livestock sector" (€2,517 million ).
The aim of this component is to adopt a strategy to promote the digitalisation of the agri-food sector and the rural environment as a whole, which is key to its modernisation and improvement in aspects such as competitiveness. Therefore, factors such as the dissemination of its usefulness and the training of users are vital to take full advantage of its potential. This dissemination and training is the responsibility of the Agrarian Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit.
Intervention 6501.2 - Sustainable crop commitments has also been included in PEPAC 2023-2027, which includes aid for the management of agricultural inputs through variable dosing technologies for phytosanitary products and fertilizers (€3.23 million ), thus supporting the modernization of the sector.
Thus, the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan provides a specific line to accelerate the modernization of equipment and the use of these technologies that allow a more efficient use of natural resources in production processes and the incorporation of more energy-efficient equipment, increasing the environmental performance of the agricultural sector.
Dynamics between agents
The regional system for the transfer of agricultural knowledge and innovation of the community is nourished by public-private collaborative initiatives and actions aimed at modernization and digitalization, training, specialized advice and dissemination of experiences and knowledge ready to be used.
Finally, the synergies originating in the regional system favour the articulation and territorial fixation of the social fabric with the participation of public and private organisations, advisors, and the Local Action and Rural Development Groups ( RedPAC Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Viewer ).
Innovation and Knowledge Transfer
Demonstration fields 2023: The Agricultural Experimentation Service of the Government of La Rioja carries out demonstration activities coordinated from the Grajera farm. More information about the Fields here :
Aid for innovative cooperation actions
In the area of the CAP, both the Operational Groups and the innovative non-AEI-AGRI projects are implemented in La Rioja. For more information on the Operational Groups and Projects developed, click here .
Regional wine projects
The projects financed with ERDF funds include those aimed at knowledge transfer to the wine sector and research projects, also co-financed with these funds, on R&D&I in the agri-food sector developed by technology centres in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja.
Technical Conferences
The technical conferences are part of the activities developed by the Department of Agriculture to transfer to the agri-food sector the knowledge generated through demonstration fields, innovation projects or other novel subjects that may be of interest to farmers, ranchers or technicians in their daily work. In this section you can consult the presentations of the technical conferences of recent years, here .
Integrating advice into AKIS
Potential users of the advice must choose between the advisory entities selected by La Rioja: Association of Farmers and Ranchers of La Rioja (ARAG-Asaja), Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers of La Rioja (UPA), Union of Farmers and Ranchers of La Rioja (UAGR-COAG), Asegar 2020 UTE, Servicoopr UTE.