Success of the opening day of the SMARTFARMRANI Operational Group
On December 18, 2024, the Hotel El Milano Real, in Hoyos del Espino (Ávila), hosted the opening day of the SMARTFARMRANI (SFR) Operational Group , focused on the future of extensive livestock farming in Spain. Under the motto “Precision Livestock Farming to Increase the Sustainability and Resilience of Farms” , the event brought together experts in nutrition, animal welfare, sustainability and technology applied to the sector.
During the day, innovations aimed at improving the productivity and resilience of farms were presented, with a special focus on the native Avileña-Negra Ibérica breed as a model of sustainability. Precision technologies stood out as key tools to optimize livestock management and reduce environmental impact. Among other actions, the project foresees the effective and automatic digitalization of processes in the Rearing Center of future breeding cows (virtual fencing system for geolocation, herbometers for calculating pasture production, RFID ear tags for individual productivity monitoring...).
The event, inaugurated by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food , local and regional authorities, served as a space for the exchange of knowledge between researchers, farmers and professionals , strengthening collaboration as a basis for a sustainable livestock model.
The SMARTFARMRANI Operational Group is coordinated by the Royal Spanish Association of Breeders of Select Cattle of the Avileña-Negra Ibérica Breed (RAEANI) , together with other entities such as the Cajamar Foundation, universities and companies in the sector. This project, financed mainly by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Ministry of Agriculture, seeks to develop innovative solutions that contribute to the sustainability of extensive livestock farming in Spain.