GO PREVINOVIC: Application of extensive sheep and goat farming as a tool for fire control and prevention in Spain. Characterization and study of the benefits
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status In progress
- Execution 2024 -2027
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Andalucía; Aragón; Madrid, Comunidad de
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2023-2027
Fire prevention in the Mediterranean has traditionally been carried out by building and maintaining firebreaks, linear structures that break the continuity of vegetation in order to stop the spread of fire. The maintenance of these linear infrastructures is expensive and is carried out mechanically.
The project focuses on understanding the situation of the Grazing Programs related to fire prevention and their relationship with the incidence of fires in the sheep and goat sector in Spain, and identifying the economic, environmental, social and cultural factors that must be considered in the design of fire prevention strategies.
The project works on two lines of work. Through the first line of work we will find out why the different programmes have a greater or lesser impact, the opinion that all the actors have about them and the impact they have on prevention in the medium and long term. With this we want to:
- Raise awareness among all groups involved: livestock farmers, forest managers, local authorities, etc.
- To show the needs of farmers who participate in prevention schemes, so that administrations can take them into consideration, as well as the limitations of forest managers.
- To know the assessment of other ecosystem services associated with this grazing activity.
- Analyze possible complementary pastoral schemes to those currently in place, as another viable alternative to the traditional system.
The second line of work aims to complement the previous one, showing different livestock management options to reduce biomass, adapted to the specific conditions of 4 different forest ecosystems on the peninsula. In each of them, we will work with different species, livestock loads and management systems. In addition, we will apply different digital systems based on the use of geolocation collars:
- To verify in different ecosystems the real effect of the use of undergrowth biomass resources by small ruminants, checking the percentage of biomass reduction using drone technology.
- Obtain data on biomass reduction, by species and management systems, for use in both livestock production and for forest managers
- Raise awareness among producers and all stakeholders regarding the possibilities of using these resources.
- Develop a management guide for small ruminants for fire prevention in different forest environments.
- Evaluate new livestock management technologies, alternatives to guided grazing, for use in forest fire prevention strategies and analysis of the associated costs.
- Block 1. Compilation of studies/projects or programs carried out on grazing for fire prevention. Selection of success and failure cases of these programs. Compilation of statistical information on the prevalence and cases of fires in the last 10-15 years.
- Block 2. Conducting surveys on fire prevention programmes through grazing and on the perception of ecosystem services. Analysis of the results of all the information. Preparation of a report on fire prevention programmes through sheep and goat grazing.
- Block 3. Conducting surveys for participating livestock farmers, as well as for livestock farmers who do not participate in the fire prevention programs in the study areas. Preparation of reports for the characterization of the farms.
- Block 4. Conducting surveys for farmers who graze in different Spanish forest ecosystems. Analysis of the results. Preparation of proposals for the design of payment schemes for grazing services for fire prevention.
- Block 5. Analysis of costs and results of grazing.
- Block 6. Development of several pilot projects: a pilot in the Sierra Norte of Seville/in the Montaña de León/in the Aragonese pre-Pyrenees/in the Lugo mountains.
- Block 7. Development of the Guide of recommendations for the management of small ruminant livestock as a strategy for preventing forest fires.
- Block 8. Study of the implementation of individual collar technologies that provide virtual fencing through satellite control of movements. Comparison of the viability of livestock movement control technologies.
Fire prevention in the Mediterranean has traditionally been carried out by building and maintaining firebreaks, linear structures that break the continuity of vegetation in order to stop the spread of fire. The maintenance of these linear infrastructures is expensive and is carried out using mechanical means.
In recent decades, various experiences have sought to incorporate extensive livestock farming as another tool for fire prevention. Herbivores are capable of reducing fuel load through grazing, browsing and trampling (Rouet-Leduc et al., 2021; Mancilla-Leyton et al. 2012). Extensive livestock farming contributes to clearing shrub areas in forest areas (Lasana et al, 2018). In this way, grazing shows enormous potential to reduce woody biomass and fire risk (Celaya et al, 2022).
All this within the framework of correctly managed silvopastoral systems (Rigueiro R. et al, 2005). Maintaining or promoting grazing by domestic or wild herbivores is a promising tool to reduce the risk of forest fires in a profitable way, while providing other ecosystem services (Rouet-Leduc et al., 2021). The national legislation regulating all uses of forest areas is Law 43/2003 on Forests, amended by Law 10/2006. It establishes that pastures are one more of the forest uses.
As such, it is up to the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities to regulate their use. The law requires that the use of pastures be included in the corresponding forest management instruments or forest resource management plans. The management of pastures can be incorporated into the prevention, surveillance and extinction plans of forest fires of the Autonomous Communities. The legislation of the Autonomous Communities is broader and more diverse depending on the territory.
However, it is common to find forest laws and regulations governing forest resource management plans, laws or Decrees on the prevention of forest fires and Decrees that specifically regulate the use of pastures on forest land, as well as the administrative authorization regimes where applicable.
Promote the use of extensive small ruminant farming to prevent fires in Spanish ecosystems, promoting interaction between professionals and using new technologies.
- To find out the status of the Grazing Programmes or Projects related to fire prevention in the sheep and goat sector in Spain. A report will be generated containing all the documentation collected.
- Identify the economic, environmental, social and cultural factors that need to be considered when designing fire prevention strategies. A survey will be designed and completed to collect information, with the ultimate goal of creating a report to show the status of grazing as a fire prevention strategy.
- Technical and socioeconomic characterization of livestock farms participating in fire prevention programs. The surveys conducted will provide a characterization of the sector in Spain.
- Design of innovative grazing schemes for fire prevention. A specific survey will be designed for this point, through which information will be available to generate a report collecting proposals and support for the design of grazing payment schemes to prevent fires in Spain.
- To assess the cost and cost-effectiveness of using small ruminants to prevent fires in five Spanish forest ecosystems. A report will be generated to support the sector to make known the associated costs and the assessment by livestock farmers of the system model currently applied.
- Average percentage of reduction in natural biomass removed after the passage of small ruminants with different management strategies. Development of pilot projects that will represent different types of Spanish production. Relevant information will be obtained (evolution of forest mass, benefits and difficulties encountered by livestock farmers, etc.) with which to produce individualised reports of results on the impact on forest ecosystems.
- Preparation of a guide for the use of small ruminants in fire prevention. Through this open access guide to the sector, a series of recommendations will be made available to the sheep and goat sector to support the proper development of fire prevention programmes.
- Technical-economic evaluation of the application of satellite technologies for guided grazing in forest areas. Preparation of a report on the conclusions on the implementation of technologies for grazing management: problems and opportunities.
- Postal address: C/ AGUSTIN DE BETHANCOURT, 17, 6TH FLOOR. 28003, MADRID
- Coordinator email: interovic@interovic.es
- Phone: 663304294
- Organización Interprofesional Agroalimentaria del Ovino y Caprino (INTEROVIC)
- VIDAR Soluciones Agroambientales SLU
- Organización Interprofesional Agroalimentaria del Ovino y Caprino (INTEROVIC)