Management of damage to wild ungulates in Galicia
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2016
- Assigned Budget 6.000,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Galicia
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
This Task Force aims to create a multidisciplinary group of technicians, scientists, representatives of the agricultural and forestry sector and representatives of the hunting sector in order to find common solutions, share knowledge and function as a single element to act against the problem of damage management of wild ungulates in Galicia.
The initiative of this innovation project will focus on the damage caused by wild boar and roe deer, due to the great socioeconomic impact that this entails. However, there is the idea of dealing in the future with other species that may be a source of conflict and that are rarely considered (small carnivores, corvids, etc.). This is a project open to expansion with the various social, economic and administrative agents, who, concerned about maintaining a balance between traditional activities and biodiversity, want to participate in this project.
The aim is to find a series of feasible solutions, informing and training the farming community and other socio-economic agents, detailing the steps to follow when they suffer damage. In this way, they will learn how to deal with these situations and how to find the necessary and sufficient resources to deal with them.