Improving extensive farms of native breeds through the use of agro-silvopastoral resources
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2017
- Assigned Budget 5.000,00 €
- Scope Autonómico
- Autonomous community Galicia
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
This Task Force seeks to develop a new coefficient of eligibility for shrub pastures, increasing the eligible surface area in future applications by livestock farmers to receive funds from the common agricultural policy thanks to the definition of permanent pastures of established local practices in Galicia. It will contribute to describing the typical vegetation of permanent pastures of established local practices, with shrub and tree components, and which are used by livestock (cattle, sheep-goats and horses).
Attention will be paid to vegetation mosaics with a dominant pasture or characteristic of woody components and which, therefore, have a greater risk of being ineligible in the CAP, relating them to more relevant habitats; information will be provided to indicate the main associated livestock uses of each type of vegetation of permanent pastures of established local practices; the approximate location will be determined, as well as an approximate distribution of the type of vegetation in permanent pastures of established local practices, with a shrub and tree character, for livestock use for the guidance of inspectors and livestock farmers; the forage value, adapted to Galician conditions, of the plant species present in permanent pastures of established local practices for the different livestock will be verified.