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Improving the colour of the bicolour apple


The Task Force is pursuing the development of a project whose main objective is to improve the colour of the bicolour apple, in particular of the Gala and Pink Lady cultivars.

Improving the colour of bicolour apples is key to the profitability of the plantation, since the price received by farmers is defined by the percentage of colour and size of the fruit.

In Catalonia, annual losses due to lack of colouration are estimated at around 3.25-3.9 million euros. Today, new tools exist that allow a new way of approaching colour improvement.

One of them is the use of remote sensing to categorize the ideal vigor that confers higher quality in the fruits in the different plantations, and based on this categorization, corrective measures can be implemented such as: reduction of N and irrigation adjustment, defoliation, combined application of phytohormones and green pruning, application of biostimulants and placement of reflective meshes.

Contact information
  • Coordinator/entity name: Fruilar SAT 197
  • Coordinator/entity email:
  • Fruilar SAT 197