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Development of information systems to improve the management of irrigation communities

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2017
  • Assigned Budget 4.450,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Andalucía
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

The objective of this Operational Group is:

  • Articulate a consortium of CC.RR., technology companies, administration, agriculture, and the environment of Andalusia and public research organizations capable of: identifying technological innovations that can improve the information systems that feed the water management support systems in the CC.RR.
  • Identify the demands of the CC.RR. in order to modernise their management; the architecture of a new aid system; and the formulation of a project that allows the construction of a new tool aimed at improving water management, its traceability and its accounting. This objective is embedded in the rural development plan (PDR) of Andalusia as it seeks to "improve the economic results of (irrigated) farms and facilitate their restructuring and modernisation, in particular with the aim of increasing their (competitiveness and) diversification (focus area 2a of the PDR of Andalusia).
  • Additionally, the GO seeks to: improve water management (focus area 4b), increase efficiency in the use of water in agriculture (focus area 5a) and increase efficiency in the use of energy in irrigation (focus area 5b). Collaterally, the GO will: Contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases (focus area 5d) and facilitate the development of small businesses and job creation (focus area 6a).
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