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Mechanisms for innovation in farm management

  • Type Grupo operativo
  • Execution 2017
  • Assigned Budget 4.400,00 €
  • Scope Autonómico
  • Autonomous community Andalucía
  • Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020

This Operational Group addresses a problem that affects almost all agricultural and livestock farms in the Alto Guadiato Valley region: the incorporation of new technologies and management and administration systems for farms, through innovative formulas and mechanisms that allow for greater efficiency in the use of resources and inputs of all kinds and to promote the marketing and transformation of the products obtained, increasing their visibility abroad.

The Alto Guadiato Valley offers possibilities for the use of resources that can provide a livelihood for the population of the region, but which are currently totally underused. Efficient and sustainable use of these resources can be the main economic pillar of the region. The pasture offers quality products from livestock, agriculture, hunting, wildlife, etc., such as Iberian pigs and Merino lambs.

All these products must be exploited from an economic point of view, ensuring that the added value they generate remains within the region. On the other hand, in less than a decade, technologies such as broadband, 4G mobile internet, etc. have become a basic service and, however, in some areas of the region there is not enough private investment in network infrastructure by operators, which represents a brake on the development of all sectors, particularly agriculture and livestock.

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