GO Varroaform. Development of an effective formulation for the control and prevention of varroatosis in domestic bees (Apis melifera).
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status Filled
- Execution 2019 -2021
- Assigned Budget 379.920,3 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Canarias; Castilla - La Mancha; Galicia
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website https://www.plataformatierra.es/innovacion/grupo-operativo-varroaform
Development and obtaining of an alternative formulation to conventional pesticides from time-controlled release formulations based on natural products with anti-varroa activity.
- Evaluation of efficacy and possible toxicity in bees.
- Reduction or total absence of residues in natural honey and other products derived from the hive.
- Reduce the costs for beekeepers and producers of current treatments against Varroa.
- Obtaining and characterizing pharmacotechnical methods of various alternative formulations to conventional treatments, non-toxic to bees and effective under real conditions of use, tested in experimental apiaries.
- Field efficacy evaluation carried out through controlled trials, assessing concentration and dosage of active substances, time of application, temperature and evaporation pressure of the substances, among other aspects.
- The paste turned out to be, in general, the formulation with the best results and with a greater acaricidal effect, comparable to conventional treatments.
- Detection and initial quantification of residues in natural honey and other hive-derived products and obtaining anti-varroa formulations that do not generate such residues.
- Final economic evaluation of the total cost of applying the product in apiaries, resulting in the prices of the experimental formulations developed in this work being cheaper than those already marketed.
Contact information
- Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- Universidad de Las Las Palmas de Gran Canaria de Gran Canaria de Gran Canaria
- Benigno Basteiro Rodriguez
- Urbano Gonzalez Escapa
- Agustin Arias Martinez
- Asociación de Apicultores de Gran Canaria (APIGRANCA)
- Asociación Unión Apicola (APICAN)
- ADS Apicultores de La Palma
- Asociación Española de Apicultores
- Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- Universidad de Las Las Palmas de Gran Canaria de Gran Canaria de Gran Canaria
- Benigno Basteiro Rodriguez
- Urbano Gonzalez Escapa
- Agustin Arias Martinez