Using new technologies for the correct estimation of capacity in citrus
- Type Grupo operativo
- Status In progress
- Execution 2022 -2025
- Assigned Budget 489.345,00 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Andalucía; Comunitat Valenciana; Murcia, Región de
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
- Project website
Implement Agriculture 4.0 technologies and methods to estimate citrus yields from the plot level to the supra-regional level.
- Developing manual sampling technologies at plot level based on photography with mobile devices.
- Implement automatic sampling technologies at the plot level based on sensors mounted on tractors.
- Implement automatic sampling technologies at the plot level based on sensors embedded in drones.
- Develop cloud-based capacity estimation models at the supra-plot level based on data fusion from the above sources, time series of agro-climatic data and satellite images.
- Mobile app for estimating the number of fruits at tree level and protocol for standardizing the acquisition of capacity data using a mobile device.
- Pre-industrial prototype of an image acquisition device for predicting capacity on board a tractor or land vehicle.
- Protocol for the standardization of the acquisition of capacity data by drone and management platform for images acquired with land and air vehicles.
- Supra-parcel capacity prediction model based on the fusion of information from various sources and the implementation of a digital platform for estimating capacity at different levels.
Contact information
- Federación cooperatives agroalimentàries de la Comunitat Valenciana
- Productores del campo S.Coop.And
- Federación de cooperativas agrarias de Murcia
- Greenfield Technologies S.L.
- LOCATEC aplicaciones informáticas S.L.
- Asociación AGROTECH España
- Federación cooperatives agroalimentàries de la Comunitat Valenciana
- Productores del campo S.Coop.And
- Federación de cooperativas agrarias de Murcia
- Greenfield Technologies S.L.
- LOCATEC aplicaciones informáticas S.L.
- Instituto valenciano de Investigaciones agrarias (IVIA)
- Instituto andaluz de investigación y formación agraria
- pesquera
- alimentaria y de la producción ecológica (IFAPA) # Colaboradores: Asociación AGROTECH España