The VI Congress of “Culture and Ruralities” delves into the importance of culture for the identity of peoples
More boost to rural areas
- The sixth edition of the Culture and Ruralities Forum took place in Cuenca from July 4 to 7
- Under the title of “Continuities-Discontinuities. Arts, creation and contemporary ruralities in Europe”, the forum has analyzed the influence of rural traditions on contemporary art
- This edition has coincided with the start of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which is why 23 Offices of the “Creative Europe” program and some 50 European cultural agents have met.
Two of the great social challenges in the current era are the relationship with the other – with the community – and the relationship with the land. However, the rural environment offers an environment that allows direct contact with these two types of relationships and with almost any type of social experience. This is what makes it a kind of “laboratory” in which to observe and intuit the possible scenarios that arise in the present and in the future for society.
Thus, the VI Congress “Culture and Ruralities” (Cuenca, from July 4 to 7), which the Ministry of Culture and Sports has organized since 2017, has invited a reflection on the new social expressions that are born in rural areas. and the transition that is observed between the contemporary era and that which comes from the rural environment itself.
The congress was inaugurated by the Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta, who pointed out that the etymological relationship that exists between the word “culture” and “cultivate” is not trivial and that, in fact, “culture was born in the countryside.” ”.
Creative Europe
The VI edition of the Culture and Ruralities Congress has coincided with the start of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union , which has been integrated into the development of the programming. Due to this, 23 offices of the Creative Europe program have attended , along with some 50 European cultural agents from the “Culture Action Europe” agent network . Thanks to them, advice and mentoring have been given every day of the congress, by appointment.
Thus, European financing has been offered through two programs: “Creative Europe” Program and “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values” Program , both programs of the European Union and aimed at strengthening the cultural sector and the project proposals of the civil society, respectively.
Regarding mentoring programs, those responsible for:
- Design of an artistic residency program in rural areas (Rafael Tormo).
- Innovation and cultural business models through design (Juan Lázaro).
- Marketing and financing for cultural projects (Marcel Marata).
- Legal forms for cultural entrepreneurship. Intellectual property and copyright (Eva Moraga).
- Performing networks and internationalization of performing arts projects in rural Europe (Ralph Lister)
Likewise, the Forum presented initiatives of the Ministry of Culture and Sports with a European dimension such as:
- The film series “Europe and Ruralities” .
- Expanding the mapping of cultural projects linked to rural areas in Europe.
Culture and Ruralities cartography is a mapping of cultural agents and projects, national and international, that carry out their activity in rural areas . It is an open process with cultural initiatives that must be linked to the territory and the notion of rurality, as well as a positive impact on the demographic challenge and the ecological transition.
- The English edition of the book Thinking and Doing in the Rural Environment. Cultural practices in context , which incorporates a specific chapter dedicated to mapping and analyzing artistic policies, practices, agents and resources in rural areas on a European scale.