Update of the regulatory bases of the agricultural machinery renewal plan and the deadline for submitting the single application
The Council of Ministers of April 23, 2024 has approved Royal Decree 408/2024 of April 23 , at the proposal of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, which modifies the regulatory bases for the direct granting of state aid for the renewal of the national fleet of agricultural machinery that are stipulated in Royal Decree 1055/2021 .
Among the novelties of the Royal Decree 408/2024 of 23 April highlights the inclusion of equipment associated with the maintenance of plant covers among the types of eligible machines. In addition, some documents that applicants must submit are clarified to facilitate the processing of the aid and improve the management of the procedure, and the deadline for submitting the single application for direct aid and aid by surface and animals for rural development of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the year 2024, which initially expired on 30 April , is extended until 31 May .
You can consult the Ministry's press release here