Luis Planas presents a “solid and well-crafted” package of measures that responds to the concerns of farmers and ranchers
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has presented to the professional agricultural organizations a package of measures , "solid and worked", to respond to the concerns of farmers and ranchers (simplification, eco-regimes, digital farm notebook, among others)
There are 18 measures articulated in seven blocks: reinforcement of the application of the food chain law; regulatory simplification; commercial issues; agricultural insurance; professional diesel; extensive livestock farming forum and incorporation of young people . The application of the 18 measures affects the competences of the European Union - those relating to the CAP and trade agreements with third countries -, the Government and the autonomous communities.
The creation of the State Agency for Food Information and Control has also been announced, with more funding and staff, to carry out more inspections and a greater number of ex officio controls with the aim of reinforcing the application of the law on the food chain.
Access the full briefing note here