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Gene identified that controls flower and fruit production in leguminous plants

Publication date: 02/04/2024


The study Analysis of pea mutants reveals the conserved role of FRUITFULL controlling the end of flowering and its potential to boost yield led by Cristina Fernández of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants (CSIC-UPV) observes for the first time in crop plants that the FUL gene (Fruitfull) controls the duration of the reproductive period in crop plants such as peas. The findings of the research could allow this FUL gene to be used as a biotechnological tool to prolong this phase and thus increase the production of fruits and seeds in peas and other legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and beans.

For the Institute's researchers, Fruitfull genes could be very useful for quickly and directly improving legume varieties that are very valuable for possessing interesting characteristics, such as high resistance to pathogens or drought, but which are not currently used due to their low production.

CSIC PRESS RELEASE | RESEARCH ARTICLE in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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