First meeting of the Advisory Working Group of the SCIA Coordinating Body
The first meeting of the Agri-Food Advisory Working Group (WG) of the SCIA Coordinating Body took place on 25 June. This marked the start of the first of the three working groups of the SCIA Coordinating Body (AKIS), created in January of this year to facilitate the cooperation of all the agents involved in the generation and use of knowledge and innovation in the agri-food sector. The other two WGs, Agri-Food Training and Coordination of Agri-Food R&D&I, are scheduled to start during the month of September.
The importance of consulting for the future of the Spanish agricultural sector
In line with the SCIA Coordinating Body , the Agri-Food Advisory Working Group is made up of participants of diverse nature linked to agri-food advice . Thus, at the first meeting of the WG, around 40 representatives from agricultural organisations and the cooperative field , managers of the regional and national administration and other actors from the world of research , knowledge transfer and innovation in the agricultural sector met.
The objective of this group, coordinated by the General Subdirectorate of Innovation and Digitalization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food , is to fulfill the functions of the SCIA coordination body linked to advice, and to promote the coordinated and systematized relationship between its members to contribute to more useful advisory systems for the sector.
Advisory networks for young farmers
At this first meeting , examples of advisory networks were presented and the needs to be addressed in advising on innovation, digital transformation or special support for young and new farmers were discussed.