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FAIRshare Cross Visit – User Case: Strategic Farm Management Planning

Publication date: 22/08/2022


End of June Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia – CAFS (part of SEASN) organized 3-day online cross visit to discuss and share experiences about User Case regarding Strategic Farm Management Planning.

Participated in this Cross Visit colleagues from 6 different European countries: Hungary (NAK), France (IDELE), Serbia (IPN), Croatia (MofA & IPS Konzalting), Latvia (LLKC) and Portugal (CONSULAI). Through the meeting of such a great number of countries there was a very good exchange of useful information about the digitalization of agriculture and agricultural advisory services in this countries, but above all exchange of experiences and information about the DATS that different project partners introduce in the work of agricultural advisory services throught the User Cases, and how succesfull this process is.

The focus in the cross visit was of course on Slovenian UC and more specifically on the DATS called SMT – Strategic Management Tool. The history and usage of DAT was presented by dr. Bert Smit from Wageningen University and Research Center in Netherlands and by key actors of the UC, including farmers’ and advisors’ point of view.

Throught the brainstorming workshops some very good ideas and suggestions were gathered for the further succesfull implementation of this UC.

Image removed.CV Online Meeting

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