The digital notebook as a tool to optimize the use of inputs and improve profitability and sustainability in agricultural farms
During a technical conference focused on the use of the digital farm notebook (CUE) and its impact on agricultural management that took place at the “ iHub La Vega Innova ” today, June 26, the Secretary General of Agricultural Resources and Food Safety, Fernando Miranda , stressed the benefits that it will bring to farmers , emphasizing the importance of taking advantage of its voluntary use so that farmers become familiar with digital tools, thus preparing for the future obligation imposed by community regulations.
Aid to facilitate the digitalisation process in the agri-food sector
Miranda stressed the importance of training and advice on digitalisation to facilitate the transition from paper to digital format. He recalled that there are grants available within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to support this process.
The morning session focused on sharing experiences of farmers and companies on the benefits of the digital notebook for producers. The importance of having historical and updated data on phytosanitary treatments and fertilization for farmer decision-making was highlighted, as well as the optimization of the use of inputs, which benefits both the profitability of the farm and the environment .
Free digital notebooks
In the afternoon, the agenda provided participants with the opportunity to learn about the free digital notebooks that the administration offers to farmers through demonstrations and exchange forums. There was also a space reserved to explore different options for commercial digital notebooks provided by private companies, which in many cases offer comprehensive farm management solutions, beyond the content of public notebooks .