Call for participation in cross-visits of Operational Groups in Europe
Those interested can register until February 23.
The EU CAP Network is organising the following cross-visits for Operational Group projects:
- Visit "Bees and other pollinators" - in Romania, 7-8 May 2025. Field visit to the GO 'Smart bees, healthy bees'
- Visit "Irrigation: optimizing water use practices in annual (and perennial) crops" – in Greece, 7-8 May. Field visit to the GO 'A smart system for low-input farming and irrigation water management - Irrisma' and to the GO 'Automated services for rice irrigation management using in-field sensors - SisRice'
- Visit "Animal Welfare Monitoring" – in Italy, on 8 and 9 May 2025. Field visit to the GO 'Virtuous supply chains of Parmigiano Reggiano with high levels of animal welfare - IN-FORMA' and to the project 'Two is better: pre-weaned calves with their mother and in groups . '
Each cross-visit is organised by an Operational Group (OG) to its project, which then welcomes other OGs working on similar or complementary themes to exchange information and experiences about their work. All participants will actively engage in a stimulating programme that includes one or two field visits and several interactive sessions. Farmers representing OGs are strongly encouraged to register.
The working language during cross-visits will be English and there will be no interpretation.
Travel and accommodation (hotel) expenses will be organized and covered by the organizer.
In case your GO has requested to host the cross-visit and has not been selected, you are cordially invited to submit your application to this call for participation.
Due to the limited number of places, it will not be possible to accommodate all applications for participation. Successful applicants will receive an invitation to register to participate in early March 2025.
For more information, please contact .
Reports of previous cross-visits
- EU CAP Network interdisciplinary visit “Using agricultural and forestry residues to create alternative sources of income for farmers and foresters”
- EU CAP Network interdisciplinary visit “Climate adaptation on the ground: innovative solutions to increase farm resilience”
On the EU CAP Network's Innovation and Knowledge Sharing Facility
The main objective of EU CAP Network cross-visits is to foster in-depth and transnational knowledge exchanges by connecting projects from operational groups from different Member States that are active in the same complementary field of work.
Operational Groups (OGG) projects generate valuable new knowledge and experience. OGs addressing similar challenges can produce different results and benefit from mutual learning. Projects working on complementary issues can draw inspiration from each other, while new OGs may emerge addressing similar issues in other regions and countries. To leverage the knowledge generated and maximise its potential impact, interactions between projects and across borders are essential.
Specific objectives of cross-visits:
- Foster peer learning: Provide GGOOs with a platform to learn from each other’s experiences, innovations and best practices. Participants gain knowledge on different approaches to address common agricultural challenges.
- Exchange of innovative practices: facilitating the exchange of innovative solutions and technologies developed in GGOO projects. Participants assess whether these innovations are applicable in their own regions.
- Discuss challenges and solutions: Create an opportunity for GGOOs to discuss shared challenges, obstacles and potential solutions. Collaborative problem solving and knowledge sharing is encouraged.
- Disseminate project findings: Promote the dissemination of project findings and results beyond individual working groups. This contributes to a wider adoption of successful practices and innovations across the EU.
- Establish collaborations and partnerships: Encourage local governments to explore opportunities for future collaborations, partnerships and joint projects. This enhances the impact of EU CAP Network initiatives.