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Agri Sustainability Compass: new tool to easily understand the evolution of 20 key sustainability indicators in European agriculture

Publication date: 28/05/2024
Location: Unión Europea


Agricultural innovation and sustainability are key concepts for the present and future of the sector. That is why the EU has launched a new digital tool that allows to understand, at a glance, the evolution of more than 20 key indicators of sustainability in European agriculture : Agri Sustainability Compass .

Agricultural income consultation in the new EU Agri Sustainability Compass digital tool

Adopting innovative technologies can contribute to improving sustainability to transform agriculture by making it more efficient, profitable and environmentally friendly. But what is not measured does not exist. That is why Agri Sustainability Compass , in addition to graphics with the most important data, includes highly visual signals (green, yellow and red) of how the trends are going in this indicator.

Keys to a more sustainable agriculture

Through the Agri Sustainability Compass , a very clear vision is provided that helps farmers and key players in the sector to better understand and apply these essential principles of sustainability: economy, social environment and environment.

Results in economic sustainability

The Economic Performance section brings together several key indicators that help us understand how the economic sustainability of farmers and the sector as a whole is going compared to the past. Whether their incomes are in line with the effort invested.

Results in social sustainability

The social sustainability of agriculture and rural areas is associated with concepts such as equity, connection, diversity and quality of life. With a predominantly male and ageing farming population, operating in often remote areas with limited access to services and networks, it is important to consider this dimension.

Results in environmental and climate sustainability

Agriculture is intrinsically linked to the environment and climate. When not carried out sustainably, farming can have negative impacts on water, soil, air quality and biodiversity. Environmental and climate sustainability goes hand in hand with agriculture that works in harmony with natural resources and ecosystems, while capturing carbon in the soil and limiting its emissions.

For more complex data, if needed for deeper analysis, you can always consult the Agri-food Data Portal . For ease of reference, this link leads to a page with general information about the Agri-food Data Portal data and visual elements, including tips on how to use selection filters and download data.

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