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event poster
Organic Advice Network
Registration open for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-visit: "Organic Viticulture in Italy"
Registration for the first OrganicAdviceNetwork cross-tour: "Organic Viticulture in Italy" is open until February 25th OrganicAdviceNetwork , the knowledge exchange network between organic production...
Agri-food innovation also featured at the Transfiere Forum
Transfiere brings together experts from different sectors to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, promote innovation, and strengthen the relationship between science and business. Held...
image from the previous edition
Expoagritech 2025. The 4.0 agricultural fair
ExpoAgitech, The 4.0 Agricultural Fair , will hold its second edition from 28 to 30 October 2025. Following the success of its first edition, it has become a meeting point for technology transfer in...
ECPA Poster 205
ECPA XXV European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) will take place in Barcelona from 29 June to 3 July 2025. It is organised by the International Society for Precision...
open ai agrifood

Open AI Agrifood: Second international conference on Artificial Intelligence applied to the agri-food chain

Under the title "SembrAI: intelligence that feeds tomorrow", a play on words that refers to sowing AI as seeds are planted for the future harvest, the II International Congress on Artificial Intelligence applied to the Agri-Food Chain will be held in Córdoba between September 19 and 20. Organized by INTEC (European Foundation for Innovation and Application of Technology) in collaboration with the Andalusia Agrotech Digital Innovation Hub, and co-financed by the EU and the Andalusian Government , the event is focused on digital transformation and the impact of Artificial Intelligence in the agri-food sector . Digital transformation and use of AI in agriculture On Thursday 19 September, following the opening ceremony, there will be panels on topics such as digital transformation and the future use of AI in agriculture, with spaces such as the Call for Papers , where selected works will be exhibited, and the DemoZone , dedicated to technological demonstrations. There will also be talks, round tables on international experiences, and networking and investment opportunities in the B2B space. Friday 20 September will continue with inspiring talks and panel discussions focused on food cybersecurity and the challenges of AI in the agri-food supply chain. The day will also include an international AI startup competition, talks for students, and an awards ceremony before the closing event. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
agricultural mechanization and robotization
Plataforma Tierra

Congress on agricultural mechanization

Mechanization and the application of new technologies in agricultural crops will be the focus of the Congress on Agri-Food Mechanization, with special attention to those with the greatest potential for implementation. Digitalization for pest control Challenges such as: The arrival of robotization on farms The evolution of digitalization for pest and disease control The use of biodegradable mulches The value of collaboration between companies and technology centres , both public and private, to promote innovation and development will be one of the issues that will receive special attention during the event. This information and orientation day is subsidized by the program "AID FOR MULTI-REGIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS AIMED AT PROFESSIONALS IN THE RURAL ENVIRONMENT. CALL 2024", financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and managed through the General Directorate of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
Technical workshop on horticultural demonstration field
Unidad de Gestión y Transferencia del Conocimiento Agrario del Gobierno de La Rioja

Technical workshop on demonstration fields for horticultural crops, in Calahorra (La Rioja)

On September 18, 2024, the Technical Conference on Demonstration Fields for Horticultural Crops will take place at the El Raso Cooperative , located in Calahorra. This event will be a unique opportunity to learn about the latest advances in the viability of different crop varieties and the best practices in agronomic management . Below we share the program: Program: 11:30 a.m. – Presentation of the day 11:45 a.m. – Viability test of different varieties and cultivation cycles of cauliflower grown outdoors 12:10 h – Essay on planting densities in greenhouse borage cultivation and its influence on yield and phytosanitary management 12:30 pm – Borage: uses and curiosities , by Cristina Mallor (CITA) 1:00 p.m. – Appetizer with vegetables from Calahorra To attend, it is necessary to confirm participation by contacting Ana Belén San Emeterio at 685 580 344 .
Gene editing for varietal improvement
Plataforma Tierra

Conference "Present and future technological challenges of gene editing for varietal improvement"

This event, organised by the Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) and Cajamar , will discuss the needs of the varietal improvement sector. In addition, new tools based on gene editing will be presented. The aim is also to support potential collaborative business R&D&I projects whose results, in the medium term, could be included in the New Genomic Techniques (NGT) regulation, currently under negotiation in the European authorities. Lluís Montoliu, geneticist and researcher at the National Centre for Biotechnology (CNB) of the CSIC, will give a presentation on " Current and future biotechnological applications of genetic editing." PROGRAM | REGISTRATION

Presentation of GO Tic4bio, an ICT tool for efficient management of water and biodiversity

On September 18, the Cortijo El Puerto farm, located in Lora del Río, Seville , will be the setting for the presentation of the results of the Tic4bio operating group, with an innovative ICT tool designed to improve the efficient management of water and biodiversity in the agricultural sector. This project seeks to integrate digitalization into agri-food processes, optimizing the use of natural resources and promoting sustainability. In this way, decision-making will be favored both to make efficient use of irrigation water and water used in agroindustry, and to calculate the degree of biodiversity on the farm and be able to improve it, responding to the environmental concern and conservation of natural resources of the most demanding market. The event, organised by Ecovalia and other entities in the sector, will begin at 10:00 am with the opening by leading figures in the field of agriculture and innovation. Speakers will include Cristina de Toro Navero , from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development; Álvaro Barrera Fernández , president of Ecovalia; Lola de Toro Jordano , manager of CeiA3; Emilio Camacho Poyato , from the University of Córdoba; Enrique de la Torre Liébana , CEO of Ingeoliva; and Pablo Reina López , responsible for the development of the ICT tool at Dacartec. At 10:30 a.m., Auxiliadora Vecina Jiménez , director of Innovation and Training at Ecovalia, will present the operating group and a documentary showing the development of the project. Later, at 10:45 a.m., researcher Carmen Flores Cayuela from the University of Córdoba will share the results obtained by this innovative project. The day will continue at 11:30 a.m. with a guided tour of the pilot experience, led by Enrique de la Torre , where attendees will be able to see first-hand how the "tic4bio" tool contributes to a more efficient use of water and biodiversity in crops. Finally, at 12:30 p.m., there will be a tasting of Cortijo El Puerto oils and a tasting of organic foods , highlighting local and sustainable products. This event is a key meeting point for professionals in the agricultural sector seeking advanced...
Symposium on Food Contact Materials

Symposium on Food Contact Materials

From September 18 to 19, 2024 , the National Food Center, dependent on the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), will host a Symposium on Materials in Contact with Food at its headquarters in Majadahonda (Madrid). The event is organized by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM) , belonging to the Council of Europe and the AESAN , under the title “Recent developments in food contact materials and articles”. The event is intended for all professionals in the food contact materials industry , official control laboratories, European and national authorities, as well as national policy makers. Participation in person is free of charge (subject to registration and availability) for staff of the competent national authorities, European authorities and representatives of official control laboratories; while for in-person attendees from the private sector it will cost €400 per delegate. PROGRAM
XI Congress "The future of cereal"

XI Congress "The future of cereal"

The cooperative group Agropal and the specialized magazine Tierras (from Interempresas Media) are organizing the 2024 edition of the Congress "The future of cereal", which this year will feature Ramón Armengol , a prominent figure in Catalan and Spanish cooperativism who has recently received the distinction of the Civil Order of Agrarian Merit awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, as its opening speaker. Thanks to his extensive experience in Brussels, where he has come to preside over the organization that represents European cooperatives (COGECA), he will offer a detailed vision of the main challenges affecting the sector and how the Common Agricultural Policy and current geopolitical tensions will determine the future of the activity in the medium and long term. Other highlights will include: Efficiency in fertilization Seed as a key production factor Plant health Carbon farming The evolution of markets Alternative crops Gene editing PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
63rd IALB, 13th EUFRAS and 10th SEASN 2024 Conferences
MAPA / Contenidos AKIS

The big agricultural advisory conference, 10-13 September, in Edinburgh

From 10 to 13 September 2024 , Edinburgh will become the capital of agricultural advice. The city will host the respective annual sessions of the three main European rural advice networks (IALB, EUFRAS and SEASN) that come together to form this major event with the motto "Adapting to zero emissions" for 2024. The event thus consolidates its position as the largest agricultural advice and consultancy conference in Europe. 63rd IALB, 13th EUFRAS and 10th SEASN 2024 Conferences The aim of the conference is to bring together consultants from across Europe to explore how different countries integrate education and research with consultancy to deliver best practice and achieve truly effective information and innovation transfer . This year, the programme promises an interesting mix of inspiration, learning, networking and knowledge for delegates. Through a variety of workshops, keynote lectures, cultural exhibitions, tourism experiences and networking opportunities, the conference will explore Scotland's agricultural system and how it builds and leverages relationships between people working in the rural economy and those in research, education and consultancy, to improve the sustainability of rural land use in Scotland. Field demonstrations A key aspect of the conference is the specialized field days , with a variety of tours covering topics such as "Environmental Initiatives, Organic and Diversified Agriculture" or "Technology and Performance Improvement in Livestock Businesses." In addition, attendees can participate with their panels/posters to present their projects , plans, educational and advisory methods, and new ideas related to this year's central theme. PROGRAM | WORKSHOPS | REGISTRATION OPEN UNTIL AUGUST 16
XXVII PRONATURA International Rural Women's Fair

XXVII PRONATURA International Rural Women's Fair

From September 6 to 8, 2024, the XXVII PRONATURA International Rural Women's Fair will take place in Segovia , organized by FEMUR, the Spanish Federation of Rural Women. The event will feature around fifty exhibitors who, in addition to Spain, will come from countries such as Chile, the Philippines, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay and, for the first time, Cuba. They will exhibit more than 3,000 products in Segovia. Pronatura PRONATURA is a determined commitment to activate the economy and employment of rural women and thus achieve their full empowerment. The fair thus becomes, at the same time, a space for networking that allows national and international artisans who participate to strengthen ties and share experiences that improve and enrich their work. REGISTRATION is open via email at , where you can also find out more about the fair. FEMUR continues to work on programming parallel activities to the event, which will include conferences and cultural activities.
Presentation of the new supra-regional aid for training and information in the digital transition of the agri-food and forestry sector

Presentation of the new supra-regional aid for training and information in the digital transition of the agri-food and forestry sector

The School of Industrial Organization (EOI) will host the 3rd Conference to present the new grants that were announced on August 6 to stimulate learning and exchanges between regions and strengthen the Knowledge and Innovation System in Agriculture, known by its acronym in English as AKIS. Supra-regional aid for the exchange of knowledge and training and information activities aimed at the agri-food sector The event will take place on Thursday 5 September at 10am . During this session, interested entities will be able to receive detailed information about the call from ministry officials and resolve their queries directly in a subsequent online work session. The session can be followed live on the EOI YouTube channel. The MAPA publishes this call for supra-regional aid for the exchange of knowledge and training and information activities aimed at the agri-food and forestry sector , framed within the rural development pillar of the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027. MORE DETAILS
Salamaq 2024

Salamaq. Agricultural sector fair. 34th International Purebred Livestock Exhibition.

2024 edition of the Salamaq Agricultural Sector Fair, in conjunction with the 34th International Pure Livestock Exhibition. With the aim of being a reference for the agricultural sector and contributing to its progress and quality through innovation. The program includes a wide variety of events including: Morphological competitions for select cattle Technical and professional conferences of various kinds with a special focus on innovation and technical developments for the sector. "Land of Flavor" Day
10th International Congress of Agroecology
EU CAP Network

10th International Congress of Agroecology

The "10th International Congress on Agroecology: Agroecologies of the World, united to face global crises" will be held for the first time in Viseu ( Portugal ), from 2 to 6 September 2024. Since its first edition in 2006, the International Congress on Agroecology has been held in Spain (Vigo, Córdoba and Seville). This year's aim is to share agroecological experiences and collective responses to challenge the dominance of large markets and agribusiness. The entire agroecology sector at the 10th Congress in Viseu With the vision that agroecology is a collective effort and that its leading role must be returned to people and communities, the Congress involves actors from the social, agricultural, technical, scientific and academic sectors, as well as politicians and social movements. Embracing the inclusive principles of agroecology, the Congress keeps registration fees low to encourage broad participation and equally values contributions from academia and civil society. It has established itself as an important platform addressing crucial issues at regional, national and international levels. The event is held in English.
Regenerative agriculture

Approaching regenerative agriculture

Within the framework of the Riudoms Hazelnut Fair, on August 6, the technical conference "Approach to regenerative agriculture" will take place, organized by the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the College of Agricultural Technical Engineers of Catalonia. Although soil biology has been known for decades, it has only been in recent years that people have become aware of the damage that conventional agricultural practices have caused to the soil. Regenerative agriculture essentially consists of crop management that is very focused on the Restoring soil health with techniques that are not always easy to implement. In order to make progress in soil recovery, the first thing to do is to understand how soils work and know what tools exist. PROGRAM
Garlic Fair in Las Pedroñeras
Diputación de Cuenca

International Garlic Fair of Las Pedroñeras

Every year, the renowned Purple Garlic Fair is held at the Las Pedroñeras Exhibition and Exhibition Centre. This event brings together around 40 exhibitors and attracts around 6,000 visitors interested in the various sectors related to garlic. The sectors represented include all stages of garlic processing and packaging, as well as herbs and medicinal products, phytosanitary products, seeds, marketing and publishing, machinery and equipment for sowing, harvesting, storage, transport, weighing, packaging and conditioning, as well as a variety of agricultural vehicles. Highlights of the Fair The fair features round tables and technical talks that provide valuable information about the sector. Free admission Admission to the fair is free, making it an excellent opportunity to learn and enjoy everything related to purple garlic.
Wheat production in the 21st century

Wheat production in the 21st century

Dolors Villegas Tor , a renowned CSIC researcher at the Aula Dei Experimental Station (EEAD-CSIC), will be in charge of giving the third lecture of the first cycle of CSIC lectures "What do we know about...?" in Jaca , Huesca. Villegas specializes in non-destructive selection methods in wheat, using advanced techniques such as remote sensing of temperature and spectral reflectance. These methods are essential to support genetic selection in wheat improvement programs. In addition, his research is complemented by the study of the natural variability of wheat rusts , particularly in relation to the endemic species present in Spain . The What do we know about...? lecture series allows scientists to share the latest developments in their research, explain their processes and discuss their impact on everyday life. Admission is free until capacity is reached.
Estimating methane emissions from calves

BEEFMETALIST: Estimation tool for enteric methane emissions from calves

Technical conference for the presentation of the DEMO project “BEEFMETALIST – Tool for estimating enteric methane emissions from fattening calves”. Beefmetalist is a practical tool for calculating ruminal methane emissions from fattening calves in our production system using methane meters installed on a commercial farm and a "calculator" application. Gaining competitiveness against environmental taxes The impact of providing these tools is the ability to have more data and knowledge about enteric methane emissions in fattening calves in order to implement nutritional or management strategies that reduce these emissions , while gaining competitiveness against a potential environmental tax . PROGRAM
Biological control of tomato plants

Biological control of Tuta absoluta and Aculops lycopersici in tomato plants

Workshop on tools to improve biological control of two very important pests in tomato crops, the moth Tuta absoluta and the scab mite Aculops lycopersici . During the workshop, data obtained from two projects in which the IRTA Sustainable Plant Protection Programme participates will be presented. On the one hand, the results of studies carried out within the framework of an Operational Group to promote the use of parasitoids in the management of lepidoptera will be shown. On the other hand, a visit will be made to an experimental greenhouse where, within the framework of the European ADOPT-IPM project , two biological control tools have been integrated to combat the two most important pests affecting tomato crops. PROGRAM
Presentation of the book The challenges of the pig sector, at the MAPA
Plataforma Tierra

Presentation of the book "The challenges of the pig sector" at the MAPA

On Friday, July 19 , the book "The challenges of the Spanish pig sector" will be presented at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), with the participation of Interporc, Cajamar and ADNAgro, and Cooperativas Agroalimentarias. Among others, Eduardo Baamonde Noche , President of Cajamar, Manuel García Lorenzo, President of Interporc, Manuel Lainez Andrés , Director of Innovation and Agri-Food Development at Cajamar, Yolanda Parrilla Hernández , Head of Livestock at COOPERATIVAS AGROALIMENTARIAS, Alberto Herranz Herranz , Manager of Interporc, and José Miguel Herrero Velasco , General Director of Food at MAPA, are expected to attend. Following the presentation of the work, a round table discussion will take place. REGISTRATION
Wine Days 2024
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias CLM

Technical Vitivinicultural Conference - Harvest Assembly 2024

The Vitivinicultural Technical Days - Harvest Assembly 2024 will focus on modernising and making the region's wine industry more competitive, adapting to the new environmental requirements of the CAP and climate and global challenges. Trends such as the decline in global wine consumption and the demand for innovative, lower-alcohol, sweet and sparkling products will be addressed, in order to better align with current and future global markets. The importance of the cooperative model will also be highlighted, promoting the professionalization, commercial integration, internationalization and sustainability of cooperative wineries. Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Castilla-La Mancha will present an intuitive software to help wineries differentiate the quality of grapes and establish payments based on objective criteria, allowing detailed and segmented queries through a GIS tool, thus improving efficiency and competitiveness in the value chain. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION
Improving fertilization in rice Rice FertiSAT Operational Group

Improving fertilization in rice Rice FertiSAT Operational Group

Knowledge transfer day on the Operational Group “Improving nitrogen fertilization in rice cultivation through the use of spectral images (Rice FertiSAT)” , created in 2021. During this event, the motivations and objectives of the project will be detailed and a technical visit will be made to the IRTA pilot test fields in Amposta and another to the commercial pilot test fields . Research for more efficient use of nitrogen fertilizers The objective of this pilot project is to treat the normalized differential vegetation index extracted from satellite image bands and relate it by spectrometry to the nitrogen needs of rice crops in search of a more efficient and rational use of nitrogen fertilizers while achieving optimal yields in rice production in Catalonia. With this relationship, it is intended to establish a suitable and simple methodology to improve fertilization plans, increasing the efficiency in the use of nitrogen fertilizers and reducing the possibility of nitrates being released into the environment outside the crop.