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ATTENTIA project dissemination day

Start date: 10/12/2024
Ending date: 10/12/2024
Modality: In person
Province: Huelva


On December 10, 2024, at the University of Huelva, the HIDRONUT_SAT Operational Group (GO) “Application of high-resolution satellite images from the Copernicus program in the management of nutrition and irrigation in citrus crops” will present its objectives and progress during the ATTENTIA project Dissemination Day.

This meeting will feature the researcher from the University of Huelva, Alberto Zabalo and Carlos Chacón, from the Department of Field – PRL – García Carrión 1.890 SL, members of the HIDRONUT Operational Group , to bring together objectives and advances deployed in this initiative.

It should be noted that through this innovative initiative, the Andalusian citrus sector will have access to new digital tools to optimize water and nutrient management, and improve decision-making for the economic and environmental sustainability of producers and industry, improving traceability and transparency in transactions between the links in the production chain.

GO HIDRONUT is formed by García Carrión 1890 and the Campus of International Excellence in Agro-Food Consortium (ceiA3) together with the research group ' Integrated management of agricultural and natural resources | AGR-227 ' of the University of Huelva, with the collaboration of the Association for Rural Development of Western Andévalo-Adrao.

GO HIDRONUT is funded by European Agricultural Funds for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Junta de Andalucía in the call for the Operation of Regional Operational Groups of the European Partnership for Innovation in Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP AGRI) of 2022

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