XXXVIII Fruit Growing Conference of La Rioja
Start date:
Ending date:
- 09.15 h Opening and welcome ceremony. Yolanda Preciado Moreno. Mayor of Alfaro.
- 09.30 h Pear rootstocks for efficient production in the face of current problems: rising costs and climate change. Dr. Ignasi Iglesias. Technical & Development Manager at Agromillora.
- 10.15 a.m. Comparison of dryland cultivation of self-rooted almond trees versus traditional cultivation. Carlos Marzo. INTIA researcher. Government of Navarra
10.45 a.m. Varietal innovation and breeding methods in apple trees. Albert von Sontagh. Feno Kons. GmbH/Scarl. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee break
- 12.15 h The Food Chain Law in the fruit sector. José Ignacio Fernández Alcázar. Head of the Food Chain and Statistics Department. Government of La Rioja.
- 12.45 h Training systems and their management to reduce costs and improve quality in pear trees. Antoni Monturiol. Fruiture Advisors.
- 13.30 h Discussion and questions. Moderated by: Juan Antonio Elguea Blanco. Crop Protection Section Technician. Government of La Rioja.
- 14.00 h Closing ceremony. Noemí Manzanos Martínez. Regional Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Affairs and the Environment.
Open event, no prior registration required.