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Training courses


course poster
Consejo de Colegios de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas
Free training in digital skills related to Agricultural Engineering
With a pre-registration period ending on February 7, the Council of Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers has launched a comprehensive training program in digital skills aimed at registered
AI illustration with food
Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector
Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture
Key reasons to attend this course Gain knowledge about various types of pests, including phytophagous insects, plant pathogens, weeds and their impact on agriculture and forestry. Learn about modern
Do you want to know the shelf life of food?
Virtual course, includes individual tasting (pending information)
CIFEA Torre Pacheco

Uses of sugarcane in traditional agriculture

Goals: This course aims to recover the traditional uses of sugar cane in traditional agriculture in organic family gardens for self-consumption, where the aim is to prioritize the circular economy and the reuse and use of nearby products. This training promotes rural and sustainable development of the agricultural sector, since it involves learning
Fruit tree pruning and grafting course
Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería Pesca y Soberanía Alimentaria - Gobierno de Canarias

Fruit Tree Pruning and Grafting Course

This training course is aimed primarily at young people in the process of taking on the responsibilities of an agricultural company, who have been granted or are in the process of being granted a subsidy, to facilitate their incorporation into the agricultural sector, specifically, applicants for subsidies intended to support the creation of
Predictive systems for water and energy management for irrigation
La Vega Innova

Predictive systems for water and energy management in irrigation

This 21-hour in-person course expands on the concepts and tools taught in the previous course, "Data Analysis, Optimization and Deep Learning with Python," applying them to the development of predictive systems for efficient water and energy management in irrigation. Participants must have basic knowledge of Python, object-oriented programming (OOP
Technology and digitalization for greenhouse horticultural crop production

Technology and digitalization for greenhouse horticultural crop production

Course in 5 face-to-face sessions to train farmers in the use of different digital tools and new technologies to promote differentiation and efficiency in the intensive horticulture sector under plastic . The subjects covered in this course include: climate control, irrigation and fertilization, pests and diseases, farm notebooks and management
IFAPA logo

Conference on advances in health control of olive groves

Technical and practical specialization day on the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, pest and disease control and active substances. PROGRAM | APPLICATION deadline until 09/12/2024 | INFORMATION and QUESTIONS at
technical day peral akisplataforma

Technical workshop on pear cultivation

Training activity to share experiences and visit 5 farms in Lleida on the adaptation and behavior of the "Williams" and "Conference" pear varieties to different rootstocks. Contents Welcome to attendees and presentation of the day The problem of pear trees with quince rootstocks Visit to the HNOS. ESPAX farm in Zadín Visit R. VIDAL “HUMIVID SL”
Hazi Logo

Basic organic horticulture

Theoretical-practical course with general training on the basic concepts necessary to start a horticultural company: plot preparation for planting, species and their management, planting or sowing, diseases and pests, control using agroecological techniques, etc.
CAJAMAR webagro

How new technologies impact food production

In-person meeting that explores new technologies in food production, highlighting collaboration between companies and technology centers to promote innovation and improve market competitiveness. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | LOCATION
IRIAF logo
Centro de Investigación Agroforestal de Albaladejito. IRIAF

Use of drones in agriculture

10-hour course in which the use of drones in agriculture will be learned REGISTRATION until May 3 | Contact:
INTIA logo

Animal welfare in poultry farming

Course to train attendees to apply the rules of the Royal Decree on poultry management: regulations, animal welfare, morphology and physiology, housing systems, biosecurity, environmental management PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | Information and contact 948 013058
EU organic production logo
Gobierno de La Rioja

Organic production for technical consultants and auditors

This 10-hour face-to-face course aims to deepen knowledge about the regulations applicable to organic production, as well as its control and certification process. In addition, practical workshops will be held on both organic inputs (fertilizers and phytosanitary products) and auditing, in order to consolidate essential knowledge. PROGRAM |

Organic fruit growing

In-person course in which fruit tree varieties, plant covers, soil management and crop health are studied. The course is aimed at people who grow fruit trees organically or who intend to convert. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | LOCATION | INFORMATION and CONTACT, / 948013058
Centro Regional de Selección y Reproducción Animal (CERSYRA-IRIAF)

Feeding in small dairy ruminants

Course in which the general scheme of the sheep's digestive system, the nutritional assessment of its diet, rationing and milk production systems are studied. PROGRAM | Send a request for training assistance to:
IVIA logo

Assembly and maintenance workshop for localized irrigation installations

Workshop for assembly and maintenance of localized irrigation installations. Theory and practice PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 962469860 | IES La canal de Navarrés, Calle Escalona 19, 46826, Navarrés, Valencia
logo Spanish Association of Conservation Agriculture Living Soils
Asociación Española Agricultura de Conservación Suelos Vivos

Vegetable covers in vineyard. Keys for its implementation and development within the framework of the CAP eco-regimes

Theoretical and practical course in which the knowledge of plant covers in vineyards is deepened and the key aspects on how to successfully implement the covers, their management, moments of optimal control, specific machinery, as well as issues to take into account will be explained. in the management of the vineyard under this practice. In
logo Training and Technology Transfer Service of the Region of Murcia

Incorporation. Conditionality

The objective of the 10-hour in-person course is to introduce farmers and ranchers, young farmers and ranchers, forest owners, other land managers and SMEs in rural areas of the Region of Murcia, the concept of conditionality in the areas of the environment, good agricultural and environmental conditions, public and phytosanitary health, animal
Hazi logo

Future challenges in extensive agriculture from a technical point of view

Climate change: produce more with fewer resources (new varieties, responsible use of resources, digitalization...) Chapel Room. NEIKER . Arkaute Agri-Food Campus, s/n,

Adaptation of the vineyard to climate change. Work and experimentation in Rioja Alavesa

The recovery of viticultural diversity can be a key element when facing processes of change in our vineyards, such as, for example, in adapting to organic viticulture or in the strategy against climate change. Specific examples of pilot projects in our area will be shared.
IVIA logo

Olive tree pruning

Olive tree pruning, production and renewal. Theory and practice. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | INFORMATION at | 966907980 | Aula de la Cultura, Ctra. de Alcoi 2, 03516, Benimantell, Alicante
Hazi logo

Traceability in the winery and its relationship with the electronic winery book

Traceability in the winery: Food safety; Main physical, chemical and microbiological contaminants in the winery; Preparation processes; Work protocol, support plans or prerequisites / Completion of the warehouse electronic book.