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Training courses


course poster
Consejo de Colegios de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas
Free training in digital skills related to Agricultural Engineering
With a pre-registration period ending on February 7, the Council of Colleges of Agricultural Technical Engineers has launched a comprehensive training program in digital skills aimed at registered
AI illustration with food
Introduction to artificial intelligence for the food sector
Learn how to apply Artificial Intelligence in your daily life Create specific procedures, extract what you need from a new regulation or verify the labeling of your products with Artificial
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture
Key reasons to attend this course Gain knowledge about various types of pests, including phytophagous insects, plant pathogens, weeds and their impact on agriculture and forestry. Learn about modern
Do you want to know the shelf life of food?
Virtual course, includes individual tasting (pending information)

Apple tree pruning in mountain area

Pruning apple trees in mountain areas. Theory and practice. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION 948013058 | Santesteban
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Plant material professionals (ROPVEG)

The course allows you to learn about the obligations of plant material operators derived from the new European regulations on plant health. CONTENTS (12 h). 1. Regulation (EU) 2016/2031, Royal Decree 1054/2021 and other related legislation. 2. Delegated and execution acts. 3. Regulation of uniform conditions. 4. Priority pests and relevant non
Hazi logo

Precision viticulture

Fundamentals of Precision Viticulture.; Study of the soil, plant material and irrigation through precision viticulture.; Remote sensing in precision viticulture.; Impact of precision viticulture on the production process. PROGRAM | Carretera Vitoria, 2, Laguardia - ARABA
Hazi logo

Saving energy in the agri-food industry through the use of data

During this day, we will have the opportunity to meet a series of key actors and experts to reveal the keys to the energy transition through data. Through their experiences we will see first-hand how data, IoT and AI manage to improve energy efficiency and reduce consumption in the industry.

Introduction course to geographic information systems

The objective of the course is to collect, analyze and manage layered geographic data. Creation of cartographic maps according to our use needs through free license software. It is necessary for each student to bring their own laptop PC on which to practice. REGISTRATION at | Albaladejito Agroforestry Research
IVIA logo

Marketing of agricultural and food products

New concepts of agri-food marketing, products and foods PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION at | 962469860 | Commonwealth of Municipalities Avd. Diputación, 28 46147 Casas Altas, Valencia

Good hygiene practices in the honey sector

Good hygiene practices in the honey sector. Definition of honey, management of hives. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION and INFORMATION 948013052 | INTIA

Soil management and fertilization in mango and avocado cultivation

Contents Edaphoclimatic requirements of avocado and mango Biodiversity in subtropical farms Soil improvement and preparation Fertilization in the cultivation of avocado and mango Design of avocado and mango plantations

Almond Tree Cultivation and Pruning

Almond Tree and Pruning Course in Cuenca REGISTRATION at | Albaladejito Agroforestry Research Center, Cuenca
training for rural areas
Formación para el medio rural/C.F.M. Villafranca

Pistachio, almond and walnut pruning

Practical theoretical course to learn about the different varieties, vigor and pruning response, types of pruning and pruning equipment PROGRAM | Contact: 924028210
training for rural areas
Formación para el medio rural/C.F.M.R DON BENITO

Pruning and fertigation of the almond tree

Theoretical-practical course on pruning and fertigation of almond trees in Don Benito. PROGRAM | Contact: 924021420
ainia course
AINIA Learning

Development and implementation of Food Safety Culture Plan

This online course will allow you to plan the process of identifying, measuring and improving the food safety culture of your own organization. You will learn what culture is and how to implement plans to improve it. It consists of the following modules : Introduction to Food Safety Culture Stages and key elements in the implementation of a food
training for rural areas
Formación para el medio rural/Agroformación Extremeña

Incorporation into the agricultural company

Aimed at young people who do not have Agricultural Vocational Training and who are going to join the sector as agricultural entrepreneurs, or who want to access certain structural aid or acquire the Priority Exploitation qualification. PROGRAM | Contact: 640376986 | Check other dates here
training for rural areas
Formación para el medio rural/Benítez Barrero

Pesticides for agricultural use, qualified level

Aimed at professional users responsible for terrestrial treatments, including non-agricultural ones, and for farmers carrying out treatments using auxiliary personnel. PROGRAM | Contact: 605245840 | Check other dates here
Pesticide Handler

Online Course on "Pesticide Handler Renewal"

Online Course on "Pesticide Handler Renewal" Valid to renew both the basic and qualified levels Open from February 19 to 29, 2024 Free for members. Rest of students €60
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Good hygiene practices in primary agricultural production

The course allows know the obligations of producers derived from hygiene in primary agricultural production. CONTENTS (10 h) 1. General aspects 2. Water for agricultural use 3. Use of phytosanitary products 4. Use of fertilizers and organic amendments 5. Use of inorganic fertilizers 6. Hygienic-sanitary conditions of workers and agricultural
training for rural areas
Formación para el medio rural/GUADITEC

Course on pesticides for agricultural use, basic level

Aimed at auxiliary personnel for terrestrial and aerial treatments, including non-agricultural ones, and farmers who carry out it on the farm itself without employing auxiliary personnel and using phytosanitary products that are not and do not generate toxic, very toxic or deadly gases. PROGRAM | Contact: 630900465 | Check other dates here
PAC 2024 Aid course poster
Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de Castilla-La Mancha

PAC 2024 Aid "Regulations and Processing"

The objective of the course is to improve the qualifications of professionals in the agri-food sector and improve the competitiveness of companies in the sector. PROGRAM | REGISTRATION | | 926545200 | Mabel Gardens Rooms, Avenida Herencia s/n, Alcázar de San Juan, Ciudad Real
Hazi Logo

Cost control in horticulture

Calculation of the initial investment, sizing according to needs, amortization of the investment, budgeting, cost estimates, monitoring, etc. PROGRAM | Garaiko Udaletxea - GARAY - BIZKAIA
Food safety certification: IFS BRC
Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas de España

Food safety certification: IFS BRC

Certification of food processing companies with food safety standards It is being consolidated as a guarantee of the quality and safety of its product and as a method that allows the company to differentiate itself from its competitors. The online course is structured in 4 modules with one evaluation per module . The student will be able to view