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Course on practical results in cereal management through precision agriculture. Weed control solutions

Start date: 27/09/2023
Ending date: 28/09/2023
Modality: Online



Precision agriculture unifies technology and agronomic knowledge to achieve sustainable and efficient agriculture without losing productive capacity. It integrates new technologies that allow yields to be maintained with a smaller amount of inputs, making its production more efficient and sustainable. Through the variable application of these inputs it is possible to reduce doses while maintaining the effectiveness of the application.

The increase in crop productivity has occurred, among other factors, due to the increase in fertilization and weed control. This dependence on inputs has caused, in some cases, pollution problems. Currently, the European Green Deal and its From Field to Fork strategy aims to reduce the use of phytosanitary products by 50% by 2030.

Agronomic knowledge together with precision agriculture techniques allow us to adapt and improve decision-making on the farm, adjusting the spatial distribution of inputs taking into account variability within the plot.

The use of sensors allows mapping the intraplot variability of soil properties, very useful for optimizing fertilization and irrigation, as well as the variable dosage of herbicides.


Agricultural engineers, master's degree in agronomic engineering, agricultural technical engineers, degree in agri-food and rural engineering, as well as master's degrees and degrees related to agronomic engineering and professionals in the field of engineering.


This course provides knowledge of practical techniques in precision agriculture, results and methodology for cereal crops. The results obtained in tests of variable dosage of inputs in cereal farms under dryland conditions will be presented through the application of precision agriculture techniques, providing real and practical solutions, transfer to machinery, and the result obtained in field management. . The only way to guarantee that environmental sustainability, the profitability of agricultural operations and food security go hand in hand is with technology, digitalization and advice, these three lines of work are provided by precision agriculture.

The decision support system for weed control (Decision Support System or DSS in English) IPMWise (Montull, Taberner, Bøjer, & Rydahl, 2020) will be explained. This system allows herbicide recommendations to be adjusted to the real conditions of the plot. In its development, since 2009, it was proven that adjusting the herbicide recommendations to the flora actually present on the plot made it possible to reduce the cost and environmental impact of the treatment by between 20% and 50%. IPMWise is designed to integrate information regarding treatment conditions for each plot.


  • Precision agriculture solutions for weed control: Optimization in the use of herbicides, variable dosage within the framework of precision agriculture.
  • Presentation of DSS IPMwise
  • Results of trials of variable dosage of inputs in winter cereal.
  • Introduction to RCIA as a tool for counseling.


Online via videoconference

It is necessary to attend 85% of the course and pass an evaluation to obtain certification, online monitoring is justified with the connection during the development of the live course.


Online via videoconference


It is necessary to attend 85% of the course and pass an evaluation to obtain certification, online monitoring is justified with the connection during the development of the live course.




  • Maria Videgain Marco

Dr. Agronomist Engineer

Higher Polytechnic School University of Zaragoza

  • José María Montull Daniel

Postdoctoral researcher ETSEA University of Lleida

Dr. Agronomist, coordinator of the Working Group "Committee for the Prevention of Resistance to Herbicides" of the SEMh.

CEO of

  • Marta Carracedo Martinez

Documentation Specialist Technician. Information, Documentation and Scientific Culture

Aragon Agri-Food Research and Technology Center CITA.


€20 members of COIAANPV, COITA and other schools with an agreement.

€8 unemployed COIAANPV and COITA-Aragón students and registered students

€40 Non-college members

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