RETO Tool Electronic Registry of Transactions and Operations with Phytosanitary Products (RETO) … RETO …
RIEGO ALMENDRO Tool Mobile application to consult irrigation recommendations for almond crops in Andalusia … RIEGO ALMENDRO …
RIEGO BERRY Tool Mobile application to consult irrigation recommendations for strawberry, raspberry and blueberry crops in the provinces of Cadiz, Huelva and Seville … RIEGO …
ROPO Tool Official registry of producers and operators of phytosanitary defense means (ROPO) … ROPO …
SIAR APP Tool Mobile application for managing an irrigation program by calculating the water needs and irrigation doses of 104 crops … SIAR APP …
VISUAL APP Tool VISUAL APP allows efficient and profitable planning of field activities such as sowing, harvesting, irrigation, quality control, fertilization, monitoring of phenological states, pest control treatments, among others. … VISUAL …
Irrigation.Operational Groups And Innovative Projects Multimedia content English translation of a compilation of projects developed through the regional and national Rural Development Programmes, operational groups and innovative projects that are working on irrigation. … Irrigation.Operational Groups And Innovative …
Irrigation. Operational Groups and Innovative Projects Multimedia content This publication is a compilation of Operational Groups and Innovative Projects in the field of irrigation in Spain. … Irrigation. Operational Groups and Innovative …
Implementation of an innovative water regeneration and fertigation system PHASE 2 Operational group The Axarquía Sostenible operating group focuses on harnessing the potential of regenerated water, reusing it along with nutrients to reduce fertilizer consumption. The project includes a high-quality regeneration system that complies with regulations for …
7th edition. QGIS online course applied to Precision Agriculture. Level 1 Training course The course program that we now propose is based on the presentation of a free and open source software known as QGIS. The QGIS program has a series of basic functionalities similar to other GIS programs, but it has very interesting extra functionalities …
Ecological soil management Training course Raise awareness of the complexity of soil as a system and the importance of maintaining its health. Understand the main physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, their interrelation and importance in maintaining its fertility and health. …
Self-sufficient agriculture Training course Show the scheme to follow to move from abandoned or unproductive land to cultivated land that allows self-sufficiency, reducing to a minimum the inputs used in the management of the agrarian system. … Self-sufficient …
Vegetative covers in woody crops. Keys to their implementation and development within the framework of the CAP eco-regimes Training course In this two-day, in-person, specialized training course, attendees will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of plant cover in woody crops. Speakers who are experts in the field will present key aspects of how to successfully implement …