GO for the implementation of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the enhancement of the environmental, social and economic benefits of the Iberian pig (GO Haz-IBÉRICO) Operational group Implementation of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the enhancement of the environmental, social and economic benefits of the Iberian pig (GO Haz-IBÉRICO) … GO for the implementation of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the …
Task Force for the reduction of greenhouse gases in the pig sector (GO Reduction GEI) Operational group This Operational Group promotes the assessment, implementation and promotion of technological improvements that favour the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the operation of facilities and the subsequent use of slurry for organic fertilisation in …
XII World Ham Congress Event In this edition more than 30 national and international speakers will develop a novel and interesting program that will address topics of interest to the sector, whose future is conditioned by factors such as the increase in raw material prices, the cost …
Purines 4.0: registration of contributions and monitoring of use by crops (GO Purines 4.0) Operational group Slurry management is one of the major environmental challenges facing the Spanish agricultural sector. The exponential growth in the number of livestock leads to an increase in the generation of slurry that cannot be managed with a magic formula and …
17th FIGAN 2025, International Fair for Animal Production Event The 17th edition of the International Fair for Animal Production ( FIGAN ) will take place from March 25 to 28, 2025 at the Feria de Zaragoza facilities. FIGAN aims to become the meeting point for the livestock sector in the Iberian Peninsula once again. …
IBERCHAIN OPERATIVE GROUP for the implementation of blockchain technology in the value chain of meat labeled as 100% native breed of Iberian Multimedia content Increase the economic sustainability of extensive livestock farms dedicated to the production of meat labelled under the 100% Iberian Native Breed seal. … IBERCHAIN OPERATIVE GROUP for the implementation of blockchain technology in the value chain of meat …
Implementation of blockchain technology in the value chain of meat labeled as 100% native breed of Iberian pig. (GO IBERCHAIN) Operational group IBERCHAIN wants to increase the economic sustainability of extensive livestock farms dedicated to the production of meat labelled under the 100% Iberian Native Breed seal. … Implementation of blockchain technology in the value chain of meat labeled as …
Report on Spanish supra-autonomous EIP-AGRI projects 2017-2022 Multimedia content The report summarizes the first funding period (2014-2022) of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-Agri) operational groups, implemented at supra-autonomous level in Spain. Since the launch of EIP-Agri …
Grups operatius a Catalunya. Call 2018 (Catalan) Multimedia content The Technical Dossier no. 123: “Grups operatius a Catalunya. Call 2018” is dedicated to the Groups Operatius developed within the framework of the CAP Strategic Plan (PEPAC 2023-2027), and includes the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems, also …
Operational Groups in Catalonia. Call for 2018 Multimedia content "Technical Dossier No. 123: “Operational groups in Catalonia. Call 2018” is dedicated to the Operational Groups developed within the framework of the CAP Strategic Plan (PEPAC 2023-2027), and taking into account the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation …
Dossier of supra-autonomous innovation projects Multimedia content Inventory of innovative projects implemented by supra-regional operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability of the National Rural Development Programme (PNDR) 2014-2022, submeasure 16.2. …
Comprehensive management system model for pig farms Multimedia content Document explaining the model of the comprehensive management system for pig farms. … Comprehensive management system model for pig …
Agri-food. Sector report 2021. Moving towards sustainability Multimedia content Articles on the recovery of the sector, progress in the sector towards sustainability, the pig industry, and the wine sector. … Agri-food. Sector report 2021. Moving towards …
Dossier of innovative elements for the competitiveness and sustainability of livestock farms Multimedia content This Dossier of innovative elements for improving the competitiveness and sustainability of livestock farms shows some innovation possibilities so that whoever uses it can delve deeper into those that interest them the most based on their personal …
Comprehensive valorisation of by-products and co-products of Iberian pork (GO IBERVAL) Operational group Determination and selection of Iberian pork by-products and co-products with potential use for different purposes. Analysis of the main existing technologies and their application for each by-product and purpose. Technical, economic and environmental …