Agro-food cooperatives Valencian community Hubs, Platforms and networks Platform for institutional representation, cooperative promotion, training, communication and business representation … Agro-food cooperatives Valencian …
Dossier of innovative elements for the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural holdings Multimedia content This Dossier of innovative elements for improving the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural holdings shows some innovation possibilities so that whoever uses it can delve deeper into those that interest them the most based on their personal …
Efficient management of soil and water resources in vineyards to optimize fertilization and mitigate environmental impact Operational group Efficient management of soil and water resources in vineyards to optimize fertilization and mitigate environmental impact …
Definition of toolbox for reducing energy consumption in pressurized irrigation networks for vineyards (GO TOOLBOX) Operational group The project aims to create optimisation tools to reduce energy consumption in pressurised irrigation networks for vineyards. Together with the increase in energy prices, the viability of many agricultural plantations in Spain today depends on the …
Organizational innovation on property to transform abandonment into opportunity (GO resurgence of the upper Navia) Operational group In rural areas, many high-value agricultural systems are in danger. Orchards, fruit trees, vineyards and chestnut groves are now thickets of unknown owners. The Group's purpose is to transform abandonment into opportunity in rural areas. … Organizational …
Improving the productivity and sustainability of underground drip irrigation systems that use oil mill waste as fertilizer through the use of nanobubbles (GO SUBALMA) Operational group The techniques used will improve the efficiency and quality of oil production, the reuse of by-products from the oil mill, and promote a circular bioeconomy in the sector through state-of-the-art precision irrigation techniques. … Improving the …
Improving the productivity and sustainability of underground drip irrigation systems that use oil mill waste as fertilizer through the use of nanobubbles (SUBALMA) Multimedia content Techniques used to improve the efficiency and quality of oil production, reuse of by-products from the oil mill, and promote a circular bioeconomy in the sector through state-of-the-art precision irrigation techniques. … Improving the productivity and …
New agrovoltaic systems for the intelligent and sustainable production of vines (GO SOLARWINE) Operational group Thanks to the GO SOLARWINE innovation project, it is expected to achieve an energetic and agronomic evaluation of the agrovoltaic system, while increasing the economic benefit for the farm. … New agrovoltaic systems for the intelligent and sustainable …
Improving wine production through symbiosis with smart agrovoltaics (GO AGROTECHVOLTAICO) Operational group The expected findings for the project are: - Obtaining a phenological model for Tempranillo and Albariño vines in different climatic zones - Obtaining intelligent algorithms capable of adapting the position of solar panels based on the phenological …
Digitalization of the effect produced by Biostimulant and soil bioregenerators based on microalgae, produced in the same installation of the farmer (ALGAVID) Multimedia content Project focused on the development of an advanced decision support system and the issuance of recommendations in the agricultural field for the dosage of biostimulants based on microalgae, fertilizers and soil correctors incorporated in microalgae and in …
Digitalization of the effect produced by Biostimulant and soil bioregenerators based on microALGAe, produced in the same farmer's facility (GO ALGAVID) Operational group The general objective of the project is the development of an advanced decision support system and the issuance of recommendations in the agricultural field for the dosage of biostimulants based on microalgae, fertilizers and soil correctors incorporated …
Physical conversion of agricultural, agro-industrial and forestry biomass in the El Condado region Operational group Physical conversion of agricultural, agro-industrial and forestry biomass in the El Condado region …
Using olive by-products in ruminant diets to boost the olive and livestock economy Operational group The shortage of pastures in Andalusia and the high price of conventional feed for livestock means that livestock systems are becoming less and less competitive. Alleviating the economic crisis in the sector requires the availability of non-conventional …
Invitec develops organic viticulture in the Jerez region Operational group There are many international, national and regional research projects that have been funded to generate useful knowledge about organic viticulture and whose results should be made known and put into practice among winegrowers and producers in the Marco de …
Report on Spanish supra-autonomous EIP-AGRI projects 2017-2022 Multimedia content The report summarizes the first funding period (2014-2022) of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-Agri) operational groups, implemented at supra-autonomous level in Spain. Since the launch of EIP-Agri …