Agro-food cooperatives Valencian community Hubs, Platforms and networks Platform for institutional representation, cooperative promotion, training, communication and business representation … Agro-food cooperatives Valencian …
CAJAMAR Earth Platform Hubs, Platforms and networks Collaborative open innovation platform to promote sustainable land use and territorial management in Spain. … CAJAMAR Earth Platform …
Aragonese Network of Extensive Crops and Legumes (ARAX) Hubs, Platforms and networks Tool to disseminate information about its programs and activities, as well as to publicize news and events related to rural development in the production of extensive crops and legumes in Aragon … Aragonese Network of Extensive Crops and Legumes …
Sunflower Project: Improving the sustainability of sunflowers through conservation agriculture PHASE 2 Operational group Within the framework of the aid to the operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) in the field of agricultural productivity and sustainability of the Rural Development Programme of Andalusia 2014-2020, the operational group called …
XVIII Technical Conference on Rice 2025 Event Organized by IRTA , with the participation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and the support of the Latin American Fund for Irrigated Rice (FLAR), it will explore innovative solutions to global challenges such as climate change, …
Agronet - Brewing Hubs, Platforms and networks Supplies, information and advice for breweries … Agronet - Brewing …
Wheat production in the 21st century Event Dolors Villegas Tor , a renowned CSIC researcher at the Aula Dei Experimental Station (EEAD-CSIC), will be in charge of giving the third lecture of the first cycle of CSIC lectures "What do we know about...?" in Jaca , Huesca. Villegas specializes in …
Quality control of grains and flours. First webinar of the AETC series “The laboratory as a source of data for decision-making”. Training course Within the training cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians (AETC), the following webinar will take place on February 12: “Grain and flour quality control” 16:00 h Welcome. Javier …
Farinograph and Extensograph, operating principle, use and applications. II webinar of the cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the AETC. Training course Within the training cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians (AETC), the following webinar will take place on February 17: “Farinograph and Extensograph, principle of operation, use …
“Amylograph, Viscograph and Viscoquick: uses and applications”. Third webinar of the AETC series “The laboratory as a source of data for decision-making”. Training course Within the training cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians (AETC), the following webinar will take place on February 12: March 10: “Amylograph, Viscograph and Viscoquick: uses and …
Glutopeak, rapid assessment of gluten quality. IV webinar of the AETC series “The laboratory as a source of data for decision-making”. Training course Within the training cycle “The laboratory as a source of data for decision making” of the Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians (AETC), the following webinar will take place on February 12: “Glutopeak, rapid evaluation of gluten quality” 16:00 h …
Development of a digital environment and living laboratories to valorise plant genetic resources of agricultural interest (FITONET) Multimedia content Establish a dynamic network composed of an APP and 3 Living Labs (pilot projects) that facilitates and promotes the use of plant genetic resources for the entire agri-food sector, so that knowledge and needs are exchanged through collaboration in …
ECOPIONET: Innovation and Bioeconomy in Rural Areas. Creation of an OP for extensive organic herbaceous products in Salamanca, Toledo and Guadalajara based on an innovative transfer network Multimedia content Creation of an Organisation of Producers of extensive organic herbaceous crops through an innovative system of transfer and organisation in which different actors from diverse fields are integrated to exchange knowledge. … ECOPIONET: Innovation and …
Operational Group for the Prevention of Damage to Agriculture Caused by Rabbits in CLM and Extremadura (PREVECO) Multimedia content Improving the productivity of agricultural farms by reducing economic losses caused by damage caused by rabbit populations. Implementation of measures to prevent damage to different crops and analysis of their effectiveness. … Operational Group for the …
MOSOEX Operational Group. Increase in organic matter, sustainable management of extensive systems in Spain Multimedia content Promote an innovative soil management model for extensive rainfed production systems aimed at improving organic matter and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the 4 per thousand strategy. … MOSOEX Operational Group. Increase in organic matter, …