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Ingeniera agrónoma inspeccionando crecimiento de plantas en campos de cultivo
Ingeniero agrónomo inspeccionando cultivos de soja

Importance of the Advisor in AKIS

21st century consulting covers multiple spheres, from agricultural and livestock production to financial management, legal and technological aspects, especially in terms of digitalization and of course environmental sustainability.

It includes advice on farming techniques and livestock management, efficient use of resources such as water, phytosanitary products, veterinary medicines, feed and fertilizers, pest and disease management, soil conservation practices, as well as topics such as economic viability, permits and licenses for the incorporation of new professionals into the activity, especially young people and women, environmental regulations, compliance with quality standards...

It also involves the implementation of precision agriculture and livestock systems and Industry 4.0 (which will become predictive) that take advantage of the availability of images from multiple sources (drones, satellites, remote sensing) accompanied by agricultural or livestock management software and data analysis for decision-making.

In addition, best practices in animal welfare, sustainability, circular bioeconomy such as waste management, by-product optimization, fight against food waste, biodiversity conservation, as well as issues related to human resource management, commercialization and marketing (brand development and access to distribution channels, if necessary short channels, that empower the first links in the agri-food chain, for example) must be addressed and promoted.

In this context, there is room for different agri-food advisors from multiple disciplines, but they must also have solid interpersonal skills , such as effective communication, teamwork skills, and support for innovation, which are essential to promote changes towards more sustainable and competitive practices. Generally speaking, some (male and female producers) and others (consulting professionals) have specific training demands that must be met.

Acting as facilitators and intermediaries of innovation processes, these professionals should connect the different actors in the sector, from farmers to researchers and technology companies, service providers, and foster an environment where innovative ideas find applicability in the field and are led by the agri-food production network. Advice consists of carrying out a large number of advisory, administrative, technical and cooperative activities for a wide range of AKIS agents. In this sense, the people who advise act as a two-way transmission belt between the farmer and the knowledge and innovation ecosystem, performing functions such as:

  • Dissemination of information on technologies, new research, markets, financial services, weather or climate.
  • Training and advice for people involved in agriculture and livestock, agricultural and livestock groups and organizations, cooperatives and other agents in the chain.
  • Testing and trying out new agricultural practices on farms.
  • Facilitate links between market agents, including collaboration and promoting social learning among them.
  • To create links between small farmers, rural entrepreneurs and other members of the agricultural community with institutions that offer training on topics relevant to the agricultural sector.
  • Facilitate links between farmers and ranchers, their organizations and the public sector.
  • Development of formal and informal organizations on agricultural and livestock issues and support for the articulation of their demands .
  • Support for policy implementation through information, awareness and advice.
  • Contribute to the development of more appropriate policies by facilitating feedback from farmers, ranchers and local entrepreneurs.
  • Raise awareness of new opportunities through green certification, fair trade and other production methods.
  • Facilitate access to other public services and aid .

Advisor support service

Although advisors have the skills and qualities to understand needs and propose innovative solutions , there are times when specific support is needed.

The AKIS Platform Advisor Support Service is a tool that allows you to obtain answers and solutions to the needs raised, as well as contacts of reference persons in relation to the queries made.

Training courses for advisors

In the Courses search engine, advisors can find a wide range of training courses, both specific and general, that are useful for their activity.

Media Library and Digital Tools

The media library has a repository of useful knowledge objects on projects, research, technical sheets (among others) on topics in the agri-food sector that reinforce the knowledge and capabilities of the advisors. Likewise, a good number of digital tools have been grouped in the Platform.   which facilitate the advisory work and activities of other AKIS agents.

Professional Agri-Food Network

TheAgri-Food Professional Network (RPA) integrates all professionals and entities from the agri-food sector. The professionals and organizations that form part of the RPA benefit from a specific network of contacts with its own messaging service, as well as greater visibility in the AKIS environment .


The Platform Forum is the interactive space for discussion for the exchange of knowledge and experiences of advisory professionals and other AKIS agents. Advisors who are registered as users on this Platform can read and participate in all the discussion threads.

And much more!!!

The Platform also makes information about events available to advisors, news , grants and subsidies   and other content tools .

Any questions or requests, you can contact us Contact us by giving click here .

If you have any questions, you can contact us through the following form