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Online course: Plant health in organic horticultural crops

Start date: 22/06/2023
Ending date: 08/08/2023
Modality: Online



The continuous growth of organic production that is being experienced both nationally and internationally, highlights the not-so-distant future of agriculture and livestock.

This growth is also strengthened by the greater environmental awareness that citizens have and that, as consumers, they demand quality products without chemical residues that are harmful to their health.

Agroecology promotes the natural control of populations through agronomic management such as crop rotation, use of organic amendments, increase in cultivated and associated biodiversity...

This increases the complexity of the agrosystem, giving it a greater capacity for self-regulation and, consequently, a reduction in the appearance of pests and diseases in crops. Therefore, it is important to know the different ways to encourage the presence of living organisms allied to our crops that help us maintain their good health.

These agronomic practices that respect the environment and health, favor the fight against climate change, the biodiversity of crops and therefore the conservation of pollinators.



– Analyze the importance of plant health in organic production, making known the strategies to combat different types of pests and diseases.

– Inform the practical way to carry out controls and see the health status of the crops.

– Use pest and disease control mechanisms through biocontrollers.

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