The “European CAP Network” is born
The “European CAP Network” is born asimon Thu, 10/20/2022 - 09:52
- The “European CAP Network” is the continuation of the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) under the framework of the new PEPAC 23-27
- It will bring together the new “CAP National Networks”, known until now as national rural development networks, under a single network at European level.
- In this way, new agricultural development policies are added to rural development policies.
The new Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2027 is scheduled to enter into force on 1 January 2023. For the first time, a single plan (the CAP Strategic Plan) will integrate the rural development measures of the seventeen autonomous communities, as well as the supra-autonomous measures that in previous periods were in the 17 Rural Development Programs (PDRs) plus the National Rural Development Program (PNDR).
Due to this, what until now was known as the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) is transformed into the “European CAP Network”. ( EU CAP Network ) to bring together under the same umbrella all the national rural development networks, which become “National CAP Networks” .
The “European CAP Network” was presented at an event in Brussels on October 6, at an event in which the 2022 Rural Inspiration Awards ceremony also took place.
The main objective of the “European CAP Network” is to centralize information on both agriculture (agricultural policies) and rural policy within the European Union (EU). With special support to:
- PEPAC strategic plans: the “European CAP Network” is the umbrella of the European rural development networks or “National CAP Networks” and, as such, the Network will ensure compliance with the plans within each member state . To this end, they will organize events such as thematic group meetings, capacity development workshops aimed at improving the technical execution of strategic plans and seminars or meetings between European networks.
- Innovation: the “European CAP Network” becomes a support point for innovation, including the AEI-AGRI (European Innovation Partnership) . To do this, it will facilitate communication and cooperation between Operational Groups and innovative projects in agriculture, forestry and rural areas.
- Evaluation: the “European CAP Network” also integrates the “European Evaluation Help Service” (Helpdesk) , in charge of guaranteeing the effectiveness of CAP evaluations by helping managing authorities, national networks of the CAP, paying agencies, evaluators and the European Commission in the implementation of CAP interventions by Member States.
Rural development and PEPAC 23-27
With the reform of the CAP, this policy becomes a policy linked to the achievement of specific results, that is, linked to achieving objectives based on 3 pillars:
- ECONOMIC BLOCK - Income from farmers and ranchers
- ENVIRONMENTAL BLOCK - Environment and climate
- RURAL AND SOCIAL BLOCK - Rural development: pursues the strengthening of the socioeconomic fabric of rural areas through:
- Support generational change
- Living rural areas
- Food quality and health protection
The transversal objective is to modernize the agricultural sector through knowledge, innovation and digitalization in rural areas .