The National Rural Network shows the existing projects in the territories with a gender and conciliation perspective
The National Rural Network shows the existing projects in the territories with a gender and conciliation perspective asimon Wed, 02/11/2022 - 08:00
- The National Rural Network (RRN) organizes the conference “Exchange of LEADER experiences: rural women in the areas of conciliation, co-responsibility, gender perspective, social economy and sustainability”
- The meeting is framed within the actions of the NRN aimed at making the work of rural women visible.
Rural women: drivers of their territories. Hence, the National Rural Network (RRN) is focusing its Action Plan these months on the issue of women, through a series of activities designed to respond to their needs.
Under this umbrella, the NRN has convened a conference with a LEADER focus aimed at detecting gender equality projects executed through Local Action Groups (LAG). of the different rural territories: “Exchange of LEADER experiences: rural women in the areas of conciliation, co-responsibility, gender perspective, social economy and sustainability” .
Its objectives are:
- Learn about experiences of projects led by women , both LEADER projects and other inspiring experiences.
- Reflect on the opportunities that the new social, economic and environmental scenarios represent for rural development, and the role of women in them.
- Identify actions to develop in rural regions that combine the promotion of women, the socioeconomic progress of populations and environmental sustainability.
The day started with the talk “The role of women in the rural world” by Milagros Alario Trigueros, member of the Chair of Gender Studies and the Rural World Excellence Research Group at the University of Valladolid.
In it, Milagros has explained that more and more women are working in agricultural activities and, even more, those who undertake to overcome the difficulties of rural areas. Likewise, she has highlighted those sectors and percentages in which women are innovating :
- 60% are dedicated to services to the population
- 50% offer tourist services
- Only 30% have become farm managers
- Ecological activities and recovery of the territory
Milagros has also explained the reasons why women are the ones who are mainly emigrating from rural areas:
- Due to the difficulties in the development of the life project: an unfriendly and less tolerant environment towards them
- Due to the permanence of patriarchal models through the assignment of reproductive roles to women and home caregivers
During the rest of the seminar, they were able to learn about the multitude of LEADER projects and inspiring projects in this area in different territories of the country, such as:
- Regarding conciliation, co-responsibility and gender perspective:
- ETXEZAIN . Network of Rural Women of Álava (Basque Country).
- EQUALAB . LEADER cooperation project (Andalusia-Navarra).
- Construction of Positive Masculinities . (Castilla la Mancha).
- Regarding social and solidarity economy:
- COOPERACTIV@S (Castilla y León).
- Essencies - Experiential tourism at origin inspired by the social economy (Valencian Community).
- In terms of bioeconomy and sustainability:
- Ecotourism in Castilla-La Mancha . GAL Valle de Alcudia (Ciudad Real, Castilla-La Mancha).
All the information about this meeting can be found here .
Ordination date Wed, 11/02/2022 - 09:17 Featured Off