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The National Rural Network holds the fifth meeting of the partnership to present the main news on the CAP Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027

Publication date: 08/11/2022


The National Rural Network holds the fifth meeting of the partnership to present the main news on the CAP Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027 asimon Thu, 03/11/2022 - 16:35

  • The members of the Partnership are invited to a new information and debate day on the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 for Spain
  • The Plan partnership brings together interested entities and associations and its main objective is to inform and ensure their participation in its preparation.

Last August 2022, the European Commission approved the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2027 presented by Spain. A CAP characterized by being more sustainable and more social, and focused on more innovative and digital agriculture, with a focus on generational change and women.

The preparation of this CAP Strategic Plan has been an open, participatory and transparent process . The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has made different avenues of participation available to the different actors involved in the development. One of these ways has been the meetings of the Partnership of the CAP Strategic Plan.

The objectives of this fifth meeting have been:

  • Inform about the CAP 2023-2027 and the new CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027, as well as the new associated regulations and future CAP networks.
  • Identify areas of interest of the participants in relation to the future actions of the new National CAP Network (current RRN).


The day was structured by the following information:

  • The CAP 2023-2027 and the CAP Strategic Plan (PEPAC):

- Main new features of the reform.

- Communication activities and informative materials.

  • Accompanying regulatory package: the accompanying regulations for PEPAC and its practical implications for the agricultural sector.

  • The future networks of the CAP :

- The European CAP Network . Latest news and planned activities

- The National CAP Network: Structure, functions and main planned activities

The meeting had a mixed modality: in-person and virtual (both through ZOOM and streaming ), and the documentation generated can be found here .


Within the framework of the process carried out by MAPA to prepare the CAP Strategic Plan, four meetings have been held in the last four years:

  • 1st meeting (December 20, 2018) . This meeting focused on presenting the new orientation of the CAP. It also made it possible to explain the work process launched by the MAPA and influenced the Spanish position in the ongoing negotiations.
  • 2nd meeting (December 18, 2019). This day had a double purpose: on the one hand, to inform interested entities and associations about the progress of the work carried out during 2019 in relation to the analysis of the starting situation for each of the objectives and, on the other hand, to learn and compile their proposals and contributions to it.
  • 3rd meeting (December 17, 2020) . The interlocutors were informed of the progress in the preparation of the Plan, focusing on the current phase of the intervention strategy. In addition, a participatory dynamic was carried out to collect all contributions from attendees in the form of proposals, observations or suggestions to the Plan.
  • 4th meeting (September 21, 2021) . Information was provided on the update of the negotiations and the calendar at the community and national level and on the progress in the preparation of the Plan, focusing on the progress of the intervention strategy on the following aspects of the Plan: decoupled direct payments, environmental architecture and rural development interventions. The partnership has been a tool for dissemination and participation in the preparation of the CAP Strategic Plan. In the coming months it will give way to the activities of the National CAP Network, which will have the same recipients, and will be intended to contribute to the information, monitoring, execution and evaluation of the PEPAC, helping the plan to achieve its intended purposes. .

Next steps

The partnership has been a tool for dissemination and participation in the preparation of the CAP Strategic Plan. It now gives way to the activities of the CAP National Network , which will have the same recipients, and will be intended to contribute to the information, monitoring, execution and evaluation of the PEPAC , helping the plan to achieve its intended purposes.

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