Operational Group for the implementation of a proactive external biosecurity system for pig farms based on geofencing and Big Data technologies
- Type Grupo operativo
- Execution 2018
- Assigned Budget 3.342.252,00 €
- Scope Supraautonómico
- Autonomous community Andalucía; Aragón; Asturias, Principado de; Balears, Illes; Canarias; Cantabria; Castilla y León; Castilla - La Mancha; Cataluña; Comunitat Valenciana; Extremadura; Galicia; Madrid, Comunidad de; Murcia, Región de; Navarra, Comunidad Foral de; País Vasco; Rioja, La
- Main source of financing PEPAC 2014-2020
The objective of the Task Force is to implement a proactive external biosecurity system on farms that allows for precise control of the spread of diseases and a reduction in the costs of disease management on farms.
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